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How to Deal With Controlling Children

Controlling your child is a good way of raising em’. Train your child in the good ways that he should go and when he grows up, he will never depart from it. Alot of people whether Christians, Moslems, Pagans etc will agree with this religious inclination while some will call it a bluff with a single wave of a hand. Well bearing children is more easier than raising them.

Rearing a child is not a day job so you can’t go on bearing children if you don’t know how to raise them.

-Why bring a child into this world if you will let him grow to become a terror to his fellow humans.

-Why bear a child you will help to create a monster.(Remember that the worst thing about creating a monster is that one day it will turn against you).

-Why bear a child you will abandon.

-Why bear a child that will point an accusing finger at you and cursed the day he was born.

-Why bear a child that will end up in prison or death sentence.

-Why bear a child that will constantly patronise the rehab center.

-Why bear a child that will be a victim of prostitution.

-Why bear a child that will end up in the streets.

When you ask yourself these questions, then you will find the answer. If you are not ready yet, then don’t bring in that innocent child. Let him/her hang a little while in that angelic world of theirs before bringing him into this corrupt world.

We all know the reasons why things are getting worser by the second, why Terrorism, Prostitution and all kinds of crimes can never stop? WHY?

-Because fathers teach their sons how to kill.

-Because mothers teach their daughters the

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