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How to Do Affirmations that Really Work

Positive thinking and affirmations are often laughed at. Probably because most people have tried and failed to see the results, after they tried it for 20 seconds. The reality is that most people criticize what they don’t understand or what they are too lazy to do. Affirmations done right and with the right understanding can be just as powerful if not more than the best meditation or hypnosis techniques available.

A Simple Formula to get Affirmations to Work

Here I will spell out step by step a process that will get you the results that you are looking for. What you are about to learn is a process that creates the conditions that cause the inner mind-body chances to take place. That is your goal. You want your intention to cause inner shifts to take place. You want to re-wire your perception of reality to reflect what you are affirming.

To do this it takes energy, focus and an inner awareness of your subtle feelings and bodily sensations. You also need to understand that more than just looking for magic to take place and putting your power on some technique or “mumbo jumbo” only to complain about how it doesn’t work, you are wanting to bring your negative thinking to the surface so that it can be replaced with your new thoughts and emotions. This can and will cause some level of discomfort or inner tension. If you do not get to this sort of peak “inner tension” you are almost wasting your time.

Creating Tension Within for The Results You Want

Here is how you will create this “inner tension.” First decide what you want to affirm. Second, sit up straight and suck in your stomach as hard as you can, then relax. Then suck in your stomach about 80-90% of what you did the first time and hold it. You will sustain this posture and muscles tension while you do your affirmations. Third, state your affirmation intensely and each time you state it increase the intensity of your intention and your focus.

Remember that you are holding in your stomach as if wanting to improve your posture. Continue repeating your affirmations until you reach a peak state of intensity within. Once you reach the peak of your focus and your intensity, hold that “tension” while you go through the rest of your affirmations. You want to state a variety of affirmations while in this peak inner state. It is this state that produces powerful results. Weak intentions and poor inner bodily connection and awareness do not have the necessary power to create physical and actual shifts in the body and mind.

Do this and your affirmations will not have a choice but to work and it won’t be positive thinking or new age mumbo jumbo.

Victtor Da Ponte offers a free full video course to release deeply held emotional blocks so you can take massive action and create the life you desire. He is the originator of the iMaster Techniques, a gifted spiritual energy healer and coach. Click here to access it now

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