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How To Do The Beltane Ritual

Beltane is a yearly event that is celebrated by Wiccans to symbolize union and balance in the world. It is usually held in May and is a celebration of fertility and new life for the coming year. The word itself means “shining fire”. This is one of the festivals that are held during day time.

For thousands of years, people have celebrated this ritual all over northern Europe and probably in lands where pagans gathered. Spring flowers are collected, and people walk through the village streets decorating houses with flowers. Most of the people in the homes would leave food outside for the “trick or treat” version of Beltane.

This celebration is all about sowing seeds and creating new life.One of the most important traditions on this holiday is that of the Maypole. Young men would choose a fir tree and fashion a pole for this occasion. This pole would be placed in the center of the village and closely guarded until the day of the celebration.

1. Choose an area for the gathering and cleanse it with a besom

2. Cast the circle in order to create a “safe space” where unwanted, unwelcome spirits cannot enter.

3. Invoke the East, South, West and North with proper ritual chanting so that they help us with their powers and energies.

4. Invite the Goddess to join us, witness our ritual and bless us. The Goddess represents the feminine aspect of fertility, the vagina (Earth)

5. Invite the God (or Gods) to bless and consecrate the pole which is the male aspect of fertility, representing the phallus which produces the seed.

6. A hole is prepared and consecrate with some oil and wine.

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