related to your everyday life. For example, the water element conveys emotions, feelings, and relationships. The Water element is represented by the Cups and if these suits appear on your spread, then the cards could have a reading about your love life, about your current relationships, or the current state of your emotional development. Fire on the other hand signifies tribulations or a great celebration. Studying elemental clues therefore can make your reading more meaningful.
Another way to enhance your reading of online free tarot reading tools is to see how the cards are positioned. When a card shows on your screen, take a look if it is upright or in the reverse position. An upright or correctly placed card says what it symbolizes. So if the 3 of Cups were presented in the right position, then this could mean eventual celebration. However, if it is inverted, then you can expect a reverse reading. Maybe the upcoming celebration could fail or you are expecting a happy event that might go awry. Some Readers however put little emphasis on reversed cards but it is still helpful to learn how to read the positioning of the tarot cards so you can closely communicate with your intuition.
Learn how to interpret life’s challenges and transformations through Tarot reading. Visit our website now and take a peek into your future by using our online Free Tarot reading tools.
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