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shared with Deity and that the No Harm principle will apply at all times.

So, where to now?

The key to moving forward lies in Knowledge. We are in a very fortunate position today. There is an abundance of information available for the Seeker – both in print and on the internet. All it requires, is for you to be open-minded (i.e. not have preconceived ideas), to question all that is presented (this is not considered irreverent in the Craft) and to trust your intuition (gut feel).

To get you going, I am recommending the following books and internet sites:

There are two books I highly recommend to a Seeker. The one is Wicca: A guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham ISBN 0-87542-118-0. Scott wrote many books on a variety of subjects related to the Craft in his life time, all of which were practical, simple, informative and accurate. As an author he has contributed greatly to making the Craft accessible to Seekers and he was prepared to share his two or more decades of practicing the Craft in an open, honest and loving fashion. His books are recommended. The second is Solitary Witch by Silver Ravenwolf ISBN 0-7387-0319-2. This book is extremely comprehensive and contains most, if not all, of the information you will ever need to become a Witch. Silver too has been practicing the Craft for a great many years and is a Wiccan High Priestess and the Clan Head of the 28 Black Forest Family Covens in the USA.

By recommending these books, I am in no way implying that you should become a Solitary. This recommendation is aimed to assist you in obtaining the necessary Craft knowledge, before deciding on a coven affiliation.

Rose Ariadne has been practicing ancient forms of Witchcraft for over 25 years. Get more info about finding the right witchcraft path here: Dr. Walter Martin, founder and 1st President of the Christian Research Institute (CRI), debates Gavin and Yvonne Frost, founders of the Church of Wicca. Dr.Martin’s daughter~Cindee Morgan carries the touch of her father.. a great witness in her own right… Jesus love shines brightly though her!!!… She gave me permission to share this video Walter Ralston Martin (September 10, 1928 June 26, 1989), was an American Evangelical minister, author, and Christian apologist who founded the Christian Research Institute in 1960 as a para-church ministry specializing as a clearing-house of information in both general Christian apologetics and in counterculture apologetics.

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