by Jorge Pérez
How To Get Sober When Times Seem Tough
Because there seems to be so many more difficulties today than in the past, people use that as a reason to drink and to
rationalize an alcoholism habit. However, it makes everything worse and creates a habit that it tough to break. Also, to
assume that because you are sliding you should keep the decline, is not true. You can pick yourself up anytime to get
on the right track and turn your life around.
With so many people out of work or living in a home where less income is coming in due to all the downsizing, there is more
pressure. There are fears of losing one’s home, not having credit cards anymore and remaining unemployed. Kids are frustrated
not being able to buy what they had in the past. If you add to this that there are often underlying personal issues and
family problems that were the root of the drinking , it can seem overwhelming.
It takes courage to admit to a drinking addiction and to seek help. Usually, alcoholics deny that there is a problem and would even rationalize that they are just social drinkers. Once an alcoholic admits that he needs help and he would like to change his life, he needs to get all the love and support that he can get, especially from his family members.
Try to remember that as bad as things seem, they will only look worse if you damage your body and mind further due to
alcohol abuse. Personal issues can be worked on in therapy. There is housing relief and special programs for those who can’t
afford their current housing. It doesn’t have to be a hopeless situation. There are also groups locally as well as places
to detox and get things back again.
If you have a spiritual side you may be comfortable at an
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