How to Have Mind Blowing Sex
Eventually there will come a point in time, maybe after a few dates or after a few months, when things start to heat up, and you will inevitably end up in one of each others’ sacred sleeping spots: the bedroom. When this magical time begins to play itself out, there is one important piece of information to understand: emotional escalation and physical escalation should move down the same track at the same speed.
If you realize you have an extremely strong emotional connection with a woman but the only physical contact that’s occurred is the occasional game of thumb war, then you’re on the fast track towards becoming a platonic friend. If this is the case, stop playing hand games and amp it up; there are much more fun places to put your thumb than over hers! Likewise, if you get too physical before there is any emotional connection, you are likely to get “buyer’s remorse”; the feeling of making a impulsive emotional decision that later begs the question “What the hell was I thinking?” This is why it’s important to keep the emotional connection on par with the physical connection.
Whenever you feel things starting to heat up there are some basic guidelines you can follow that willlubricate the process of becoming physically intimate. And yes, “lubricate” could not have been a better choice in words.
As with everything else I’ve discussed, remove all expectations when going into a situation where you think you might be getting physical. The times you expect that you will be getting some leaves room to be let down. However, if you go in with no expectations and it does happen, it’s a win/win. Wam, bam, thank you Ma’am!
Another important point about sexual relationships
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