Giving for the sake of giving not for some personal gain makes people feel good inside. This is a situation where everyone is a winner.
Practice non-judgment
This is difficult because everyone makes judgements all the time. When you judge someone or something you really are comparing them to your own standards. If they are do not meet your standards you can look down on them and feel better than them. If they exceed your ideas you could be jealous. This is a lose-lose situation.
Express appreciation
There is actually a lot to be thankful for . When you discover the many wonderful things that life has to offer, and appreciate what you already have in life, the world opens up itself to {positive possibilities.
Again, try to practice each day appreciating an aspect in your life you know you are grateful for. Thank the universe for another day to spend and another day to make yourself, your life, or others lives better.
Become objective
Paradoxically, seeing things objectively helps in developing your spirituality. There may be times when we live seeing life with the isead that there is only one opinion, ours. We then become frustrated when the world does not all agree with us.
The world is at it is, we cannot control it beyond ourselves. The world is what you are, and how you perceive it. All in all, developing your spirituality takes time and effort. The rewards however, for the time invested are limitless
Tell your story! Pick up tips and tricks to help your spirtual connection and enhance your life. The author, Bill Urell MA.CAAP-II, is an addictions therapist at a leading residential treatment center. He teaches healthy life styles and life skills. Join our growing community. Visit: