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Once you have chosen your tool though, dedicate it properly, then tuck it away in your magical tool chest and reserve it for just this purpose.

As you are inscribing your candle, visualise the outcome. Make it a small ritual in it’s own right. Once you have inscribed your candle, you may wish to ‘Dress’ it. This is optional, your choice entirely, but it’s easy and again adds to the potency of your spell.

Anointing Your Ritual Candle

Anointing your candle would be the next step to properly charged your ritual candles. As stated above, you should anoint with oils that are specific to your desired outcome. There for if you are looking for love and attraction, you would use those types of oils.

The method for anointing your candle is pretty specific. The most general method is to hold the ritual candle in one hand, dip the first two fingers of the other hand in oil and starting at the top (the end with the wick) run your oiled finger down toward the centre of the ritual candle. Stop at the centre, lift your finger off, turn the candle slightly and repeat the process until all the top half of the candle is covered. Then starting at the base of the candle, run the oiled fingers toward the centre. Again stop at the centre, lift the fingers off, turn the candle slightly and repeat the process until the entire bottom of the candle has been coated.

The whole time your are anointing the candle, concentrate on the outcome you wish to achieve with your spell. Experienced spell weavers often anoint the candle in a specific direction depending on the type of spell they are performing. For spells to attract something to the spell weaver, the candle is anointed from top to middle, then from bottom to middle. For banishing or

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