How to Know if a Reconciliation Magic Spell is Right for You
Working as a fortune teller and magic spell caster on my website, The Lucky Temple, I get a lot of requests for spells to reuinite a couple who have broken up. However, many people don’t seem to realize what they are getting into; this is sensible, as many people turn to magic for the first time in these kinds of cases. Let’s begin first by covering what to expect from a good, honest spellcaster
A genuine spellcaster will never guarantee results. Magic just doesn’t work that way. Even doctors don’t guarantee that medicines or surgeries will work the way you want; there are too many things that can go wrong. Similarly, magic spells are vulnerable to outside influences and even a promising spellcast can be readily spoiled by both internal and external factors.
A genuine caster won’t pester you to buy so-called “stronger” spells after concluding your original casting. Only rarely might a genuine magic spellcaster ever tell you that you need to get more spellwork done after completing your magic spell; and in such a case, they won’t be pushy about it ask for exhorbitant amounts of money. They will generally just state the problem, and leave it entirely up to you as to whether you want to continue with more spellwork or with their services.
Anyone who asks for large amounts of money but promises to give it back if the spell doesn’t work is a fraud; if a spell is really worth a large sum it either requires lots of hard work or very expensive ingredients, neither of which is a person likely to refund if they really are doing what they claim. Most people who pull this just take your