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How to Level your Magic Fast


As most Runescape players, envy those people out in the wilderness firing firebolts like there is no tomorrow. On the other hand, perhaps you want to take the Greater Demon down with ease? I’m about to teach you a secret most people will find odd and pick on you about, but it’s brilliant.

We will start our training NE of Port Sarim, where the wizards reside. Bring along mind and air runes. It’s cheaper to use an air staff instead of purchasing air runes, this way you only have to purchase mind runes, so that’s a better way to go. Trust me, no matter what level your mage level is, you will want to use wind strike. I know the wind strike is he weakest spell but trust me, the secret will pay off.


Get your staff ready (if you are using a staff) with the wind strike spell. Only target the Air Wizard! It’s immune to the air strikes. The strikes will just bounce off, but you will get all the experience points. It’s also a good idea if you are a lower level to wear some anti-magic armor (ranging gear preferably dragon hide).


Now, if you want to level up faster, (though it will cost quite a bit more money) you can use higher spells, but be sure only to use the spells on a wizard that’s immune to the spell you are using. (Example: Fire Wizards are immune to fire spells; Water Wizards are immune to water spells, etc ) Otherwise, it will damage the wizard, and will not become a never-ending battle. This battle will continue until one of these happen: You run out of runes to cast the spells, and therefore kill the wizard with melee, or the wizard kills you. It might be a good idea to bring along some food, seeing as even the strongest player will eventually become weak during battle.

Runescape Magic Step 2

It’s really a matter of how much time and money you want to spend on it, but I guarantee the results are mind blowing. I’m sure we have all heard of the “level 50 mage in one week” scams.
Trust me, this is no scam!!


Sure, it takes awhile, but would you rather spend endless hours clicking on zombies across the river in Varrok sewers? I doubt it.


I rather like this method; it makes many noobs say things like “Perhaps if you used a different spell it would work better” or “Hey noob! What are you doing? You won’t kill it with that!” I just tell them I’m using a secret and keep on with the never-ending battle. It leaves them puzzling and mad.
Thanks for your reading,hope this guide can help you to level your magic skill quickly  and enjoying your runescape game very mcuh! is a site for Runescape player to buy runescape power leveling,gold,money,GP and items, offering millions in cheap runescape gold at our low prices with free delivery to your Runescape account.

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