This was super fun, super easy! I wanted to make some “potions” so, I was thinking of what I got and here’s all you need!: -Cool Glass/Plastic Bottles -Caps or Corks -Labels -Food Coloring -Creativity! Thanks for watching!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
This was super fun, super easy! I wanted to make some “potions” so, I was thinking of what I got and here’s all you need!: -Cool Glass/Plastic Bottles -Caps or Corks -Labels -Food Coloring -Creativity! Thanks for watching!
Video Rating: 3 / 5
this is cool and fun! this would be a fun craft project for halloween or a harry potter themed party! cute vid!
<3 hahahahahahahaha
real potions arent as hard to make as the harry potter series make them out to be >.> although they cant perform the miracles thats in the harry potter books either xD
you sound just like luna lovegood. good job
Hehehe… As if a Hufflepuff would be able to make a working potion! xD Leave these kind of things to a Ravenclaw like me!
so they dont work?
You obviously like Harry Potter movies, am I right? ^_^
When I was little I use to do these things too.
uh fyi all ingredients do egsist duh retard
I’m just trying to have fun