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How To Meditate To Center Your Magick Energy

Meditating properly is one of the keys to casting successful spells in Wicca Witchcraft. The idea here is to focus on each part of your body one at a time – relax them, force the negativity out of each part.

When done properly, you will reach your place of peace within yourself… the place where Magick energy “comes from”.

Whenever time permits, you should do this every single day… and especially before casting spells.

Start with your feet. Flex them, and then relax them… flex them, and then relax them. Then, concentrate on relaxing them completely as if they are 2 “wet noodles”. Focus as long as you need to put them in a completely relaxed state.

Next, move to your calves. Clench the muscles of your calves, and then relax them seeing all tension and negativity flowing down your legs and out your feet into the ground. Repeat this through all major muscles in your body (knees, thights, pelvic region, buttocks, hips, lower back, mid section, upper back, fingers and hands, forearms and elbows, upper arms, shoulders, neck, chin, jaw, face, and lastly your head).

Feel all of your tension and negativity drain out of each part of your body, and be replaced by a sphere of white light.

Next, clear your mind and open your inner self to that higher place within you that maintains a constant connection to the Divine.

Spend your time in stillness, and commune with your deities – or even work on your visualization skills.

Finally, when you are finished, go back down through your entire body in reverse, charging each part with the energy of the white sphere to waken and refresh your entire

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