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spell book
by criana

How to Optimize Your Book Presence on Amazon Once You?ve Maximized Your Profile

If you’ve optimized your Amazon profile, including choosing an Amazon signature that appears every time you post a book review on Amazon, you’re ready to move to the second stage of optimizing yourself and your book on Amazon. And this second stage starts with your book’s page on Amazon.

Your Book’s Amazon Page

First, check that your name is spelled correctly and the product info is correct. If your co-author was left off or there are other errors, scroll down the page to “update book info” and do so.

Second, if you have a blog and you have entered your blog feed into your Amazon account, your blog posts will automatically appear on your book’s page.

Now let’s look at a basic opportunity. Does your Amazon book page offer the LOOK INSIDE feature? If not, ask your publisher to provide this to Amazon.

Next, is your book available in a Kindle format? If your publisher doesn’t automatically provide this format, do so yourself. You can follow the instructions on the Amazon site – scroll down your book’s page until you see this headline “Sell a Digital Version of This Book in the Kindle Store.” Or you can supply the version yourself. (If you do have someone create the digital version of your book, make sure that this version is optimized. Otherwise you’ll have a digital version that is very hard to read.)

Obviously you want to get as many good reviews for your book as possible. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. One way: If you take a virtual book tour on book blogs and get good reviews, you can ask the book bloggers who gave you good reviews to also put

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