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Question by ~Lillian’s Mommy~: How to read tarot cards?….?
I have the meanings of the cards down… i just want to know other ways to lay them out so i can get an accurate reading. Is there a website that can help me with this that you know of? Or if you do know can you tell me…

I tried looking around on the net but, all i found was a bunch of websites that want you to buy software…. And no… i’m not buying cause your not suppose to charge to read tarot cards…

so plz no websites that tell me to buy something… and if you don’t believe in tarot cards.. don’t leave me any messages saying so… and don’t leave me any god is great crap… i don’t believe in god.. so don’t try to convince me…

Best answer:

Answer by PaulCyp
An accurate reading??? 🙂 From a stack of cardboard??? Yeah, right.

Add your own answer in the comments!

5 Responses to How to read tarot cards?….?

  • peppywolf28 says:

    your tarot reading will do you no good anyways unless you believe in some sort of higher power and/or being.
    as for new ways to read… well if your not willing to spend the money you will likely not learn.. nothing in this ol world is free.

  • shadow k says:

    Good luck, it’s said that the Tarot can take a lifetime to learn. The mere relationship between the adjacent cards can provide different meanings. It’s all about practice. I always stuck with the celtic cross.

  • John says:

    My favorite way (and one of the most common ways) is known as the Celtic Cross. Just Google: tarot spread and it should come up. Also just to let you know some people have studied the the meanings of tarot cards their whole lives and don’t consider themselves to know all the meanings. Always look deeper into the cards and you will always find new things every time you work with them.

  • Helen says: (free online Tarot course) (free e-course on psychic Tarot reading) (lots of free Tarot goodies)
    celtic.htm (free info on various spreads)

    Have fun and good luck!

  • Mystie010 says:
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