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Learn tips on what the major arcana is from a card reading expert in this free tarot card video. Expert: Suzanne Diamond Bio: Suzanne Diamond has been working as a tarot reader and psychic professionally since 1990. She has a 90% accuracy rate. Filmmaker: Grady Johnson
Video Rating: 4 / 5

25 Responses to How to Read Tarot Cards : Major Arcana in Tarot Cards

  • Lounger315 says:

    Contact me if you want to do live tarot card readings from home and get paid for it. Thanks!

  • machado231097 says:

    do you seperate the major and minor

  • alembicbassguy says:

    Sacred Rose deck – very good!

  • AngryRinoe says:

    .. ive predicted 3 of my friends future and it happened these cards scare the shit outta me

  • TheUncannie says:

    In order to approach the cards one must overcome excitement because any form of excitement has a blinding effect. One tends to see ones own version of it. In many cases it can be dangerous.
    Be careful everyone!!!

  • TheUncannie says:

    What tarot cards was she using?

  • msteufel says:

    we use the same tarot cards!

  • argent2020 says:

    @argent2020 Part three. Then, I became transparent when I no longer see my reflexion. However, soon after I reappeared in the mirror but, my reflexion tried to come out of the mirror & I pushed him back into the mirror with my own hands.
    After that, I never try it again.

    Other than that, I can see things before happens or I should say; kind of.
    I may be doing something & images of sorts comes in, then I’m back. Later on, that same thing happens at work. Like deja vú.
    I’m weird!!

  • argent2020 says:

    @argent2020 Part two. Even though I can I just don’t.
    It’s true. I’ve became more spiritual in a different perspective from “the Christian view”. I practice meditation, I study ZEN & TAOISM. I read about Buddhism & I often visit a spiritual center. Currently I’m learning Tarot & Psychometry.
    The most scarry thing that happened to me, was the other night when I saw myself in a mirror (after staring at me for a long while) turned into a shadow with shinning eyes.

  • argent2020 says:

    Part one. Thank you. Funny though, your interpretation is accurate.
    There were too many goals I haven’t accomplished, many. One is a trip to the country where I was born, I can go any country you want me to, & that’s fine with me, but to that particular country, for some reason I just can’t. No matter how much I wish I could go to the first house I lived, the places I’ve been. I don’t know why I’m so afraid to do it.

  • hartnell says:


    My interpretation

    The world ( Reversed) In your past you have not always achieved or felt like you have achieved what you have wanted and have been left unfulfilled. Perhaps signifiying ambitons or dreams unfulfilled.
    Strength – You have an inner strength which will guide you on the right spiritual pathway that you need to take.
    10 of Pentacles – The future bodes well for financial security but learn to be responsible and to llok after your money wisely.

  • argent2020 says:

    Cool, but check this out. Yesterday I bought The Tarot Bible & found out I did my readings wrong all these times.
    1 is the present & it’s place in the middle. 2 is the past (to the left) & 3 (to the right) is the future. So, my early reading should be.
    1- The World 2- Strength & 3- The Ten of Pentacles.
    1- Freedom fr fear
    3-The good life

    Behold, what they meant (& I had to ask?!).

  • coolra says:

    past will meet the future

  • niterazor says:

    way toooo much “ARECAWNAA … whew! :+

  • argent2020 says:

    Earlier today I bought a deck of Tarot.
    I chose 3 cards facing down from the left to the right.
    For some reason I just don’t know why, the very first card (the past) I reversed it. The second card (the present) & the third card (the future) were upright.
    So this is what I got.
    My past (The World in reverse). My present (Strength upright). My future (The ten of pentacles upright).

    What does all of these means?.

  • LakeShaman says:

    When are people going to get it, you cannot label the occult. The occult stands for hidden wisdom which nine our of ten people will never, ever understand. The occult isn’t fairy tales, but real spiritual and external intelligence. Albert Einstein had occult, magical knowledge. No one discovered what he did before he came out with his equations, yet people could understand. He was a spiritual man and his famous quote,”the most beautiful thing we can experience is the unknown”, proved that.

  • passioniswotwebreath says:

    Way Too Much Lipstick On.

  • tarot4games says:

    Exactly! The occultists have persuaded most of the world to believe their fictions.
    The media should start telling the whole truth about the cards!

  • zagyex says:

    The problem with Tarot for divination is the fact, that it is accepted as a divination tool because its so-told ancient origins and connections with people who built the yramids or wrote the Bible.
    But these connections are a simple lie. If the truth was well-known, that Tarot was created as a card game 500 years ago, it might not be a well running bussines for the occultist industry.
    And there are many people who like the truth, and like the Tarot with its 500 years old history and complexity.

  • MaggotMenProductions says:

    The bosses of THOTD series

  • mistressnat says:

    Um… the Star is number XVII…

  • zapete0982 says:

    if anybody its looking for a beautiful deck, try the fenestra tarot, its beautiful!!!!

  • xxxtenorxxx says:

    Exactly angelonasios… i agree with that… it can also mean secrets….

  • Sareaesque says:

    Waterstones sell packs in the mind, body and spirit section

  • daynehhh says:

    i think it means mastery of skill? or someting like that

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