by elycefeliz
How To Sell Your Self Published Books Fast
So assuming you’re a self publisher or book publisher and you’ve already published your book; you need to immediately implement a strong, no-holds barred, book marketing and promotion program to sell your books fast if you haven’t done so already. Your book selling, book marketing, and book promotion planning should begin well before your manuscript is completed. In today’s publishing marketplace, the success of a book entirely depends on a strong marketing plan.
Make sure you have at least one good timeless press release, written in AP style. You can send it out for the lifetime of your book. Make sure it’s written in a timeless fashion. Using press releases can be a very effective marketing tool if used properly. Press releases can generate thousands of dollars in sales when picked up by national trade or print media.
Send out at least ten press releases to the print and broadcast media in your region every month. Mail a press release to at least 1000 print and broadcast contacts just prior to publishing your title and then over and over again after you publish; you can never send out too many. Make sure your press release spells out the ‘who, what, where, when, and why’ as it relates to your book.
Learning to write and use powerful optimized press releases can often drive a great deal of traffic to your website while providing multiple, excellent back links that can lead to increased page rank and numerous top ten search engine rankings for your targeted keywords. When picked up by wire services, a press release can easily end up generating hundreds or even thousands of mentions for your book.
Market your book to your number one market first, and then go