How To Turn What You Already Know Into Information Products That Sell For High Prices Online
In this free video series, Eben Pagan shows you how he started his online information publishing business and grown it now to the point where it did 29 million dollar in sales last year.
He will also teach you how to take your own knowledge and turn it into advise, coaching products, how to choose a niche, how to grow your information product business online.
In this free videos, Eben gonna teach you the most powerful concept, the most powerful technique, that Eben developed for making information really valuable so you can turn it into a high-value information product and sell it for a lot of money, so make sure you watch all three of the videos that Eben Pagan will be releasing in the following days because each one contains different piece of the puzzle and they all fit together.
In the next following minutes talks about the previous video shot at his balcony and the first videos shot 2 years ago when he launches Guru Mastermind.
He also tell about how many joins his list since he shot that first video. He goes on to show a geographical map of the shot background, the ciries nearby, namely Venice, Marina del Rey, Playa del Rey, El Segundo, and cities like Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, basically all the cities you can see all the way down the beach, all the way down the Long Beach California.
He went online doing a bit of research, and then he realize that if you add up all the population of all those cities, basically all the cities you can see at shot background, from here all around the beach, it comes to almost 200,000