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How To Use A Priest Pve Guide

The Priest, in traditional MMORPG lore, is the healer – simple as that. While other positions in World of Warcraft may be more mobile, and possible of changing depending on the hybrid class that is available, a Priest who wants to raid is almost always going to be a healer. But, that doesn’t mean that’s their only option. As a Priest PvE Guide will tell you, a Priest can take on any number of other support roles, including crowd control, mana management, and even light DPS when it is called for.

How Do You Balance Your Priest with a Priest PvE Guide?

With that guide, you should be able to quickly learn exactly what it is that your Priest needs to be effective. For most priests, that balance includes figuring out how they want to play their class. There are three distinct talent specs to choose from, and while those specs don’t necessarily stand out on their own as unique, one of a kind options for many players, they are tremendously valuable when taken as a whole.

The Holy Priest
is your quintessential healer. They will almost always be among the main raid or main tank healers because they have the best mixture of healing spells, low agro output, and HoT options of any healing class. That’s the way it should be – after all, this is a Priest we’re talking about here.

But, what about the other options out there. What do the Priest PvE

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