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skills are well-developed. If you don’t feel quite that confident, but don’t have the money or the time to go shopping, then a simple white candle decorated with symbols drawn in the appropriately colored marker will work perfectly fine.

Fourth, using the decisions you made in step three to make a shopping list, go buy or otherwise acquire and assemble in one place all the items you will need for the spell. You can do the spell immediately, as soon as you’ve gotten everything together. Or you can set a date and time for the spell based on time of day, astrological sign, planetary alignment, significance of the day of the week, phase of the moon, etc. Don’t worry about doing this unless you feel it will boost your belief in the efficacy of the spell. The last thing you want to do is get into the mind set that you have to do all of it, and have everything “right” or “perfect,” for your spell to work. That only handicaps your spell and your own power. All power from magick comes from you and your focus of will. Don’t let anyone take your power away from you by telling you different.

Fifth, if you have a particular deity, angel, or guardian entity whose energy you would like to draw upon, ask for their guidance and help. If there is an entity that seems particularly appropriate for the kind of spell work you are doing or its purpose, ask them for help, too.

Sixth, if you want to chant, pray, sing or drum while working your spell, either decide in advance what you’re going to say or do and script it, or improvise in the moment, letting the words come to you spontaneously; both are powerful methods. You can do any of that out loud or silently, in your own head. You may have gathered from all

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