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can attribute to your spell. You don’t have to claim that those things happened solely because of your magick, but by drawing a correlation in your own mind between your spell and subsequent positive events, you are both boosting your belief in your own power, and adding the energy of that positive attention to your magick.

Don’t make the mistake, however, of simply doing a spell and then forgetting about the election entirely, thinking that you’ve done your bit. Magick is most effective when it is used in conjunction with physical, real world action. Doing a spell to find a new job, for example, won’t generally work unless you are also actively searching through want ads and going on interviews. Doing a spell in conjunction with those activities, however, dramatically increases your likelihood of finding a more appropriate job, a better job, a higher paying job, or finding one faster. The psychological effect alone does wonders for your attitude.

So get out there, and canvass for your candidate. Man a phone bank. Send in a donation. Post a comment at a blog listing his or her positive traits and qualifications. Take substantive action to make your desired outcome a reality. Take responsibility for creating the world as you want it to be. That is the only true purpose of magick, and everything we do in alignment with that goal, from voting, to marching, to writing a letter to the editor, is a magickal act.

Good luck, blesséd be, and may the best candidate win.

For a complete example spell, see

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