How To Use Magick Wands
The wand has been in use for many thousands of years as a magickal tool. Some of the earliest wands found were Egyptian and dated approximately 2800 B.C. The primary magickal uses of these wands appear to have been to return evil sent and to create order out of chaos.
Nowadays, the wand primarily has two applications. The first is invocation and the second is directing energy. During circle casting, the witch uses invocation to call the quarters (North, East, South and West) and to invite the Goddess and God to be present at the rite. During Magick work, the energy that is raised is concentrated in the wand and then directed at the appropriate moment at the “item” to be charged with the spell’s power and intent.
Allow me to illustrate:
Calling the Quarters
Stand facing North, on the inside edge of the circle. Raise the wand to point upwards. Say: “Hail, Spirit of the North, Element of Earth. I call upon you to attend this Circle and to protect this sacred space.” Visualize the point of the wand glowing green, indicating the presence of the Earth Spirit. Lower the wand and visualize the green projecting from the tip of the lowered wand as a green mist. See this green mist settling in the northern quarter.
Walk with the wand lowered, to the East. Raise the wand to point upwards. Say: “Hail, Spirit of the East, Element of Air. I call upon you to attend this Circle and to protect this sacred space.” Visualize the point of the wand glowing yellow, indicating the presence of the Air Spirit. Lower the wand and visualize the yellow projecting from the tip of the lowered wand as a yellow mist. See this yellow mist settling in the eastern quarter.
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