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How To Using Magic in Combat in Tibia

Since pure magic users such as druids or sorcerers are weak melee fighters they need to make up for this by using powerful magic against their enemies. For this reason they have a large arsenal of offensive spells and wands or rods at their disposal. However, these will not save you if you do not know how to use them effectively. The following hints should help you to make the most of your magic-using character:

Aiming Runes
Aiming runes is easy. Simply select your target in the battle list, shoot and your rune will find its target. Please keep in mind that it is not possible to shoot an attack rune on another character in the first 10 seconds after login unless you have been assaulted and need to defend yourself. However, this rule does not apply for field runes. Area Attacks
From simple missile or strike spells that affect individual fields to the “Great Fireball” or the mighty “Hell’s Core” which can cover most of the game window, attack spells can vary greatly in the area they affect. Needless to say, massive area attacks are easy to aim, but then their area of effect is not always easy to predict. If you are unlucky, you may accidentally attack innocent bystanders – which can lead to some very nasty consequences! So, if you want to keep out of trouble, you should think twice about casting area spells when other characters are near. Also, if you are hunting with friends, you should definitely team up in a party to avoid getting a skull mark if you hit one of your companions by accident. Immunities and Sensitivities
Spells do not affect all creatures to the same degree. While a “Fireball” spell will work just fine with tortoises, a dragon who is hit by a ball of magic flames will be rather unimpressed. Most creatures are sensitive to all damage types to a larger or smaller degree. Only a few creatures are completely immune against one or more damage types such as a water elemental which is not affected at all by fire, earth or ice damage. You should check out the creatures and spells section in order to find out which spell, wand or rod works best against which enemy. A clever choice has saved many an adventurer’s life! Spend your Mana Wisely
Wise Tibians ensure that they have enough mana or runes to heal themselves should the worst come to the worst – a bit of caution could buy you that extra minute which makes the difference between life and death. If you are in trouble, remember that spells such as “Invisibility” or “Magic Shield” are real life savers! Also, if you are going on a longer hunting expedition, you are well advised to invest in mana potions, deliciously refreshing pink potions that can be bought from your local magic shop. This will allow your character to regain mana points quickly in an emergency. Finally, always remember that spellcasters should never leave their home without their trusted wands or rods.

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