www.zshare.net Hope you enjoy this guys! Equipment used: 2 x Technics 1200/1210 with Shure M35X Cartridges & Stylus 1 x Allen & Heath Xone:32 mixer 1 x Senheisser HD205 Headphones 2 x KRK Rokit RP5 Monitor Speakers 1 x Panasonic Lumix FX150 Digital Camera 4 x Ace tunage =] prodigy invaders must die pendulum warriors dance coki benga skream dubstep detroikt technophotek reprazent roni size ltj bukem peshay fabio grooverider Tracklist Random movement & focus – Dhattered Dreams Survival – First Calibre – Thoughtless Survival – Gem Nucleus & Paradox – Delphian Zero Tolerance – Refusal Equipment: 1 x allen & heath xone 32 mixer 2 x technics 1210 mk2 turntables 1 x technics headphonesgoldie technics 1210 allen & heath pioneer cdj 1000 djm 800 Alex Reece Alix Perez andy c shy fx aphrodite aquasky bad square pusher company calibre counterstrike tech itch decoder die dieselboy dillinja don & roland ed rush ez rollers future engineers teebee gridlock high contrast hype sex j majik john b klute kosheen krafy kuts lemon d zinc london elektricity tits makoto marcus intalex marky mickey finn nicky blackmarket noisia optical zero tolerance omni trio paradox
Video Rating: 5 / 5
may i get the list as well? =]
yer soz dear was april fooled it was hupshide down like
Assuming you’ve downloaded it and bumming it correctly!
crikey! took me a while to work out wtf was going on hehe
messaging you tracklisting now
Awesome mix dude,this bad boy is going straight on my ipod. Any chance i could get the track listing?
Keep up the good work.
Need it 75 Min =)