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Girls, here’s a hypnotic fantasy just for you! SUGGESTED VIEWING AGE 17+ Listen and experience as you are first captured by a powerful High Priestess, then initiated into Her Forest Coven dedicated to a Moon Goddess of Fertility and Lust. An all female Coven is this, its dedicants comprised of all races of Woman… Video Production Unit: Realm Of The Hypnogoddess, a division of Hypno-Systems UK

Modern Church History tells us that the Santa Myth has its origin in St. Nicolas, a 3rd century Christian Bishop who gave gifts to orphaned children. Yet none of this agrees with the jolly old, large man in a red suit that is accompanied by Rudolf, the red nosed raindeer. There is an ancient, pagan ritual that seems to better reveal the true and more bloody origin of Santa. SILENT NITE, BLOODY NITE. In ancient Britain, about 1100 AD, there was a dark pagan ritual that took place on the night of the Winter Solstice, DEC 21, very close to DEC 25, the Traditional Day of Christmas. THE RITUAL OF THE STAG. In a torch lite dark forest, the High Priest, with long white hair and beard, would kill a stag (male deer) that had large full Antlers. THIS WAS A SACRIFICE TO THE GODS and the horror just begins. The deer would be skinned and its furry hide turned inside-out so its raw and blood-soaked skin would serve as a bright red robe or coat. (actually its fur became a warm, inner lining for what comes next). The Deer’s Antler’s would remain attached to the skin and serve as a large headpiece and MASK for this psychotic costume. Then the High Priest would put on the bloody red coat with Deer Antler’s and sacrifice a HUMAN, probably a young virgin, followed by a wild fertility rite/ orgy into the winter’s nite. “FATHER CHRISTMAS”. You have the admit, the large, white haired and bearded Male Priest, wearing a bloody red robe with Deer’s Antler’s sure resembles today’s white haired and

16 Responses to Hypnosis For Women Only — Great Rite of The Forest Circle

  • TheDevineSpirit says:

    ok and where is the evidence of this ritual so i can look through it??

  • wanttoseemysnake says:

    Santa is a lie and santa sucks,santa will never enter out house, not even on a napkin!

  • SSJ2Magnamon says:

    666 is calculated in Hebrew. So therefore this calculation is incorrect. Visit the site in the video for the truth on 666.

  • HealthBasket says:

    A=6 B=12 C=18 D=24 E=30 F=36 G=42 H=48 I=54 J=60 K=66 L=72 M=78 N=84 O=90 P=96 Q=102 R=108 S=114 T=120 U=126 V=132 W =138 X=144 Y=150 Z=156



  • SSJ2Magnamon says:

    I’m dnlcrangle on blogtalk.

  • 1straptureb4antichri says:

    well, yeah, i knew that, just wondering your name.

  • SSJ2Magnamon says:

    I’m just a listener of Pastor Harry’s Blogtalk Radio show.

  • SSJ2Magnamon says:

    No, I believe they are just a cover band.

  • 1straptureb4antichri says:

    hey, who is this, by the way? 🙂

  • ensign70000 says:

    Jesus was born at the end of September, we don’t know exactly which date, but we do know it was the end of September.

  • ensign70000 says:

    Is that an alternative Christian band ???

  • SSJ2Magnamon says:

    Killswitch – Speed the Plow

  • ensign70000 says:

    Hey, who sings that song ???

  • SSJ2Magnamon says:

    Jesus was probably born on the day of atonement. That is what is most commonly believed by those who have studied this. It is alright to celebrate christmas, we can still give gifts to our children, just tell them we gift gifts like the three wise men gave to Jesus. The only problem is the Santa lie!

  • greatvideo2 says:

    Jesus was born at about late winter or early spring, not in December.
    And where in the Bible does Jesus tell us to celebrate Christmas? Whenever I take the sacrament (bread and wine) thats my Christmas; thats what he commanded us to do.
    I don’t mind skipping Christmas, or having it in March or April; maybe have Easter and Christmas on the same day. DOWN WITH SANTA!!!

  • Bureyeanne says:

    James 0:16 to 2:04 are the most interesting.

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