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Question by Due 4/20/2010: ?????????????? i am positive im having twins ?
ok this is kinda a long story im going to start from the way beginning ok so i had a period in june 09 it lasted 2 days i had a period in july 09 it lasted one day my normal periods are 4-6 days so i was worried went for a blood test on july 20th it was negative on the third of august i took a hpt it was slight bfp so i took another one about 20 min later slight bfp so i told my hubby i was prego and me and a friend went to the store for milk and i got bad pains in my tummy so i went to the er sure i was going to miscarry they told me i was 6 weeks from the ultrasound but my hcg levels were 164 witch are low for 6 weeks and there was no baby just a sac so i went back every 2 days to make sure levels were going up my regular doc said i was 3 weeks with levels at 164 witch are high for 3 weeks and levels kept rising so at so 5 weeks later i went for an ultrasound and they found a baby and a heart beat doc said one baby but now im 11 weeks and a few days and i know ive felt movement and my hcg levels are sky high and i just have a gut feeling also a native women said i was having twin boys after she touched my belly its up to you to believe in native ability or not she is a shaman priest and i don’t know what to think also my 3 year old son said 2 boys when i asked him if he wanted to have a brother or sister so i don’t know and im just wondering if at an 8 week ultrasound they can miss a baby ?

Best answer:

Answer by ~Jess~3rd princess due 1/12/10

As you can see in this picture, it’s very easy to tell there’s 2 sacs. So, I doubt they just missed a twin.

There’s another one. Very easy to see!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 Responses to ?????????????? i am positive im having twins ?

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