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Question by Maggie W.: I am studying the Pagan last rites, could someone direct me to the Passing Over Rites?
They were not detailed in the lesson I had. A link to a site would be most beneficial to me. Thanks in advance…~M~
Thanks dansmith1234 but that is not exactly what I was looking for.

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3 Responses to I am studying the Pagan last rites, could someone direct me to the Passing Over Rites?

  • Witchy Mel says:

    Hi Maggie, I don’t think there is one. People probably make their own. I found an article about it here:

  • halcon says:


    “Pagan” is an umbrella term to encompass many different paths and traditions from the well known (but generally not properly understood Wicca, Heathenry, Asatru, Druidry, Faery, Khemites, Hellenismos etc.etc.etc.) and each of these may, or may not have set rites.

    I can only speak for Wicca, and say we do not have set rites.

    My “grandmother” in the Craft died last year, and she had written her own funeral service before she died. A celebration of her life in the service of the Old Ones, and a rememberance of what was important to her; readings that meant something to her, and a small ritual to honour her passing to the Summerlands.

    No set ritual at all. That’s initiatory Wicca anyway, I wouldn’t like to comment on the other paths.


  • erisian trubble says:

    Different traditions use different crossing rituals…so there isn’t really a Pagan Last rites like there is a Catholic Last rites.

    The Campennelli book has some nice ideas.

    There may also be some material in Drawing Down the Moon, but can’t recall for sure.

    The pagan crossings I’ve performed have all be relatively simple affairs, we do not bury the body during the rite, although we may bury a cord or ash. We ask the spirit of the deceased to know that we are wishing him well on his journey, and we hope to meet again. We generally celebrate the life and gifts of the individual and his clan, and then feast. Not so dissimilar from any other wake/funeral.

    There is sometimes debate as to what should be done with the magical accoutrements of the deceased. I believe that if possible, the dead witch should be buried with his athame, all else should pass on to kin and downline folk. But that’s one witch’s opinion.

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