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Question by Sukino: I currently have a level 25 shaman in world of warcraft, does anybody have any leveling tips?
Does anybody know how to level faster and which specc is best? I currently don’t know where to go to level and was wondering where the best place was. I am currently enhancement and using a 2 handed staff, is that bad? Any leveling tips would be fine thank you for your time and have a great day!

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9 Responses to I currently have a level 25 shaman in world of warcraft, does anybody have any leveling tips?

  • xjaz1 says:

    I should leave your question for our sons.. I think both have level 70’s.. and one is a shaman.. I remember him mentioning it to a friend of my brother in law. Just keep playing.. Our oldest son is gifted.. .can excel in school, HS sports and WC..but it’s addicting. Hopefully it’s losing it’s appeal.

  • ihateobama says:

    i know a littlebit about shamans, but i specialize in hunters, as i got up to a lvl 60 tauren hunter. if u want to talk, email me at thnx.

  • Serriah says:

    Personally, I am in Duskwood (South of Elwynn Forest in the human areas) around level 25. You might also try Dun Morogh, Hillsbrad Foothills, and the Wetlands. (ALLIANCE)

    For Horde, Ashenvale, Thousand Needles, and Hillsbrad foothills are where I’d be.

    There are several mods that make leveling easier – Quest Helper is a good one, it’ll guide you through the fastest way to level your toon in a given zone. Also, make sure you’re logging out inside an inn because that’ll get you “rested XP” – double XP for killing mobs. 🙂

    What server are you on?

  • Wow FTW! says:

    I can ding from lvl 1 to level 30 in about 4 hours or less… i have a 80 and if you email me i can help you level my email is

  • Doomsday King says:

    Try going to dungeons and pwn all those monsters with a group there. My account name is morrisman123 ( stupid name). Email me at

    I’m only lvl 9!!!! 😀

  • WebD says:
  • Daniel W says:

    I would continue with enhancement. But I’d use a shield and one handed weapon that has the highest dps you can find. Of course, it should always have something on it whether rockbiter or whatever you have available.

    There are leveling guides and if you’re willing to pay $50, I would suggest Zygor. It literally gives you an in-game guide that tells you where to go next and the most efficient route to leveling possible.

    If not that, then I would suggest either the wetlands, hillsbrad or duskwood as places an L25 shaman can complete most all quests. A free addon like Questhelper will also help you to know where to get the things you’re looking for.

    As a basic strategy for fighting: highlight the mob you want, hit your attack button even though out of range. Set up a mana totem and anything else you want to have up if you so desire. Pull it with a lightning bolt, then flame shock and while it’s ticking down, your next shock should be earth or frost and then back to flame shock. You can also drop a searing totem (or magma as you get bigger).

    Also, I highly recommend water walking to wherever you need to go. It’s a lot faster than swimming and usually better than waiting for a boat or riding around to some place. You’ll see what I mean. You need
    to save fish oil for that.

    And, as a really big suggestion, I would join a guild. The guild banks typically have a lot of enhancements you might need, someone that can help you with leveling and suggestions like the ones I’ve given above.

    Good luck!

  • Basketball Dude says:

    You could also run some dungeons too. Just to get the gear you need. But I wouldn’t worry about getting gear until you are 60 and above. If you need some help questing try to download quest helper off of

  • Brother G The Mormon says:

    Get trained to use a 2 handed mace. You have to go to Ironforge or darnassus maybe. I use element myself at 47 but I might get a dual specialization thing and get enchancement too it costs 1000 gold at 40

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