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Question by Midieval Fantasy: I did a tarot reading and wanted someone else’s perceptive…very detailed question…?
Okay so a few nights ago i did my Tarot Reading with The Gothic Tarot deck the i own. I meditated while shuffling, and suffled i think a good five minutes or so before i felt compelled to stop. This was the results.

The Mystic Seven Spread

1.The past :
Card : Ace of Wands*

A time of enthusiasm and action. A period of creativity that will produce wondrous results this could represent an idea that comes to fusion trough your talents. Reminder of the importance of family.

2.The Present :
Card : Justice

The deeds of the past shall be answered for. Repercussions will be swift and just. Now is the time for atonement. A fair and balanced outlook is needed to see things clearly to help attain current goals. Allow your moral convictions to guide your actions. Fate has leveled the playing field. In legal matters, it tells that justice will prevail and the scales will be set right.

3.The Future :
Card : Ten of Swords *

A dramatic turn for the worse in matters concerning health, love or business. Pay close attention to present surroundings and be wary of impending disaster. Do not take the loyalty of friends for granted. Act kindly and treat those closest to you with respect. Although times are dark, do not despair. You will survive this pain time and emerge with newfound wisdom. That which does not kill us, makes us stronger

4.Advised Path
Card : Knave of Swords

A lurker of the shadows who waits for opportunity to strike. Someone close to you may have ulterior motives and may be bidding their time to take advantage of you. Be alert and watch for any hidden agendas that make pose as a threat to you and your plans. Take precautions to safeguard your plans and be careful who you trust. Someone may be standing between you and full illumination of surrounding circumstances.

5.Influences :
Card : The High Priest*

Means Rigid in Old World Values. The High Priest advances our understanding of our inner self when faced with social or moral pressures. Tradition and honor bind him to serving a higher cause that leads to enlightenment. Spiritual communication through prayer, meditation, or ritual grants us communication with the Devine, allowing us to partake in sublime wisdom. Is a loyal friend or confidant who advises to have faith and not stray from the righteous path. Spiritual wisdom, faithfulness, and mercy, and can show a reluctance to explore new paths.

6.Obstacles :
Card: King of Cups*

Mysterious and secretive. A negotiator, a professional in business or law. Fiar minded, responsible, interested in art and science. Represents a dark and mysterious persona. His interests in art, science, and occult may present itself in magical ways. Revelations made in confidence should be kept secret. Demonstrate responsibility with the duties that have been entrusted to you. Maintain a mature and respectful attitude in dealing with others.

7.The Outcome:
Card: Knave of Cups

A quiet, studious nature. An artistic or psychic inclinations, the bringer of news or a message. A time for meditation or reflection in both personal life and business affairs. A clam and introspective soul devoted to artistic pursuits. Your intuition will lead you in the right direction during a period of uncertainty. A rumor may have dire complications, depending on validity. A loved one’s words may not match their actions. The truth lies somewhere in between. A period of introspection and emotional restraint will allow you to see more clearly.

* = Repeated Cards from other readings.
Ace has showed up on two readings this month, usually in the same position.
Ten of Swords has been in every reading but 1 i think, and the high priest is in about every other reading.

* King of Cups represented my husband on two previous readings.

We are going through a law problem right now with my husband. I have my own ideas on this spread but wanted another person’s thought on what it may mean. Sorry to ask. Serious answes only please.

Best answer:

Answer by Mystical Dreamer
I’m sorry to say this but it doesn’t look good for you because of the Justice card being next to the 10 of swords…just watch your back…the 10 of swords represents being stabbed in the back

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One Response to I did a tarot reading and wanted someone else’s perceptive…very detailed question…?

  • Prince oF ThE RaJahz.. says:

    Someone is out to get you, and will get you when you least expect it.

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