Question by Alley: I dont find sex enjoyable ?
I am a newbie to the sex thing, but it isnt as “magical” and amazing and I have heard. Mainly it doesnt feel like anything at all…I mean I get an ouch! poke here and an “I feel that” there…but thats about it.
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Answer by Cravin’ Moorhead
your man sucks. get me. Im free
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i feel the same way i had sex one time and it was not that enjoyable probably because im inexperienced.
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The first few times it will hurt, but after that it should be good. I think you might need a different guy, or to train the one you’ve got
He doesn’t know what he’s doing… ??
Don’t worry, the first couple times are not all that great. But once you get more use to it and more comfortable, it feels better and its a lot of fun
ask him to put his tongue up your vagina that’s what hubby does to me and he rocks my world i love him and it feels awesome
Then you are either not in the right mood or your partner doesn’t know how to give you good sex. Believe me, when you find the right person who knows what their doing, it’s fant-freaking-tastic. If you don’t feel like shopping around for loyalty reasons and blah blah, then I would suggest trying to slow things down. Good sex is enjoyed by both partners because they have taken the time to meet each others needs. You should talk to your partner about it, and try doing things a little different. Maybe work up to the whole stick-it-in and back and forth business with a little foreplay like kissing, and fondling until you feel ready. If your partner doesn’t agree or cooperate, then perhaps its there’s where your problem might be. It might be time to look for a new playmate that likes to share the pleasure.
If you hurt as the penis first enters, the most common problem is not enough lubrication. Friction in this sensitive area can hurt! Your organs normally get wet and slippery as part of sexual arousal. Taking more time for sexual play before intercourse is often all that is needed to turn a painful experience into a pleasant one. Too fast is usually too dry.
Or you aren’t in love ur partner or discomfort with your partner.
sex isn’t for everybody to like, initially. eventually, you will find the right person to give you that good, good and you will want sex everyday. my first was horrifying and i stopped for a long time but started dating this older guy who i thought was good but after meeting my husband he made my first look like trash.
you will find somebody who makes you smile in the middle of the day =)