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Question by Loona: I have such a comlicated problem I doubt anyone will understand, but I am in need of advice?
Alright. My mother is an energy healer, similar to a native american shaman, and a therapist. She can other people’s feelings, mine especially. She says when I go to school, I get other people’s “energy” on me, and she can feel me. This causes her to get dizzy, and she can’t move. So we have to stay apart. She went to get advice from this lady, and the lady said that it is due to my best friend. My best friend when to another country the past year, and she came back different. She was really sad to be back, and she’s never really been the same. I don’t know how to mention this to her. What do I say? I don’t think talking to her will help. It is simply her energy that is the problem. If anyone understands this at all, PLEASEEEEEEE write advice. You can write some if you don’t too, haha i’ll take anything…

Best answer:

Answer by sad mommy
what? im totally lost.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to I have such a comlicated problem I doubt anyone will understand, but I am in need of advice?

  • Bilinda G says:

    I think totally talking to her will help. It could be what she needs to feel better. You can try to help her find out what is going on b/c she seems so sad.

  • Stephanie S says:

    You can’t ask anyone to change their energy. It just is. Sorry.

  • LuvMusic says:

    Well, I have to say that I have no idea about all this. However, I will try and give you some advice just because this kind of stuff really interests me. How does your mother heal energy? Does she just simply put her hands on them, or does she have to go through a candles, and crystal ball type ceremony???? If its just something simple like touching her, is there a way your mom could like “pray” for her by touching her to heal her energy without your friend knowing that she has been healed? And if your mom heals her energy will it be ok for her to be around? Sorry that’s all I’ve got…. good luck!

  • Sway says:

    Well you should definitely mention this to your best friend. If she is in fact your best friend, she will understand. I don’t understand your situation at all, but having open communication always helps. Just be open with your feelings to your friend and your mom, especially your friend. If your friend has changed and you don’t like it, she needs to know about it, even if the truth hurts her, it will be good for her.

    I hope this helps you, good luck.

  • marcia f says:

    It’s not hard to understand but it might be hard to deal with. I guess it comes down to making a choice between your Mother and you best friend? All I can say is that your Mother is forever and friends come and go. I have no idea how old you are but if you are under 18 years of age, you will change friendships many times. It is hard in this day and age to remain friends over a long period of time due to college and jobs and marriage. You don’t have to tell your friend anything. All you need to do is back away from the friendship. Just start by not being available very much. Good luck.

  • Ms. Taurus says:

    Can you ever be near your mother?

    No offense, but it sounds to me more like your mother has issues of some kind.

    People change, and I’m sorry your friend changed for the worse. And it’s easy to feel a good or bad vibe from people, but if you can not even be able to be near your mother… wow. Honestly, your mother might have a little bit of a disorder.

    Edit: Again, I don’t mean any offense, but…
    “Schizotypal personality disorder: Here individuals use odd and magical thinking to explain the world. These people may believe in magic, clairvoyance, and telepathy. They may react to our examples by believing that they wished for and caused the snow and may place a hex on their boss.”

  • Nacho says:

    Why don’t you try to cheer up this friend in question? Just be there for her and maybe her attitude/energy will change.

    Or maybe your mom could even help her.

    Just a thought. =] Hope stuff works out.

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