Question by elijah R: I need a REAL spell tht changes my sexual orientation (gay to straight)..
I dnt care if its a potion either..I think potions r better Any spell b4 i drink it..thnx!
Best answer:
Answer by RandomLoss
“Jesus” It’s not latin, but it works.
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there is know magic spell to being n not being gay being gay is a choice seriously scientest only blame genetics cause they cant find the true cause to so many problems if u dont want to be gay do some souls searching think about y u r as u r n once u find it fix it if all else fails pray like a mad man
I think you should just be happy in your own skin- stay the way you are.
Why do you want to change your orientation? If you like guys, you like guys. If you like girls, you like girls. If this has to do with people being pricks to you about being “gay” then get over it. They’re jackass(es), but that doesn’t mean you should change. That simply says you’re lower than them by doing what they want you to do.
Be gay, and be proud. Just like I’m straight and proud. =]
I just lost faith in humanity.
this made my day
Idiot you dont need a spell to become strate if your gay just dicide to change and follow throgh
but if you realy want one look hear thay might have a spell or two for ya
Sexual orientation is not something that can be changed by magic. If kind of level of magic that you believe in exists, then you’d probably have more of a chance of changing your gender…or causing you desire one specific person that happened to be the opposite sex. It’s not a choice as some retard answered here, but it’s not something that can currently be changed either. You could take medication that could cause you to have no sexual desire whatsoever or even think sexual thoughts, but that wouldn’t change your orientation.
Sweetie, there is no potion, lotion or brew or spell that can change you. You were born that way, so if you’re gay, then be proud!
If you’re straight then…well…you can still be proud too.
There is no spell that will change your sexual orientation.
You are who you are. Be proud of youself.
If you are wanting this because people are treating you badly, just remember that they are ignorant and closed minded. Your a person, the same as anyone else. You think, have feelings and you bleed the same color we all do.
~sorry no such spell~ if you are gay you are that’s all there is