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Question by bobby: I want to know what the spiritual significance of a deer would be?
My nephew is in a comma in the hospital, on my way home, which is about a 1 1/2 hour drive, only on my side of the road, I spotted at a minimun of 100 deer. Some were grazing, other alone by the road? I was impressed that they had some significance from a spiritual or metaphysical sense.

Best answer:

Answer by sdfem23
It has spiritual significance if you believe it does.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

2 Responses to I want to know what the spiritual significance of a deer would be?

  • palindromagico says:

    I understand what you’re saying. While there might be a possible metaphysical or spiritual meaning, purely because you are the one who is sensing it, you are the only one that can give it plausible meaning. Remember, what is true for you is what you have observed yourself, and it is true according to your observation.

    If you find meaning in it, then, it means what it means.
    Don’t let other people make you think a certain way.
    If you feel it has something to do with your nephew, or perhaps a communication of some kind, take it as such, and
    use it for the best as what it is, life force/energy.

  • kaylora says:

    According to some Native American Lore, Fawn faced a demon & melted his heart. If deer spirit catches your attention it is to encourage you to face difficulties with gentleness; Don’t push too hard. You should allow loving and tenderness to assist in completing your tasks.
    Celtic Lore has both Hind (small, female deer) & Stag representations:
    Hind represents Subtlety, Gracefulness & Femininity (not necessarily female). Concentrating on Hind will soften your heart, open you to the healing feeling of love.
    Stag stands for Pride, Independence & Purification. If you feel the strength of the Stag’s protection, you will also feel the gentle way he moves through difficult situations.

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