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Question by DAISEY MAI: I would like to aske persons of Pagan beliefs2please generously inform me the origins of Paganism,history?
history of Paganism please :o)
Thank U!!
(this questioner’s sole purpose is to contact/correspond with Pagan’s or someone who is authentically educated w/paganism–do not wish to hear any “preaching” from particuliar faiths)
thank u for ur time

Best answer:

Answer by frater_lazarus
Dear Joy,

If you’d like to discuss this, please feel free to contact me either through IM or email.


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One Response to I would like to aske persons of Pagan beliefs2please generously inform me the origins of Paganism,history?

  • witchy says:

    “Paganus” originally meant someone who lived in a “pagus”, ie, a rural administrative district. In Christian usage it gradually took on the meaning of non-Christian, since it was assumed that people who lived in such rural areas had not been Christianized. It wasn’t particularly a derogatory label until late in the Empire, when it acquired the dual connotation of “hick” and “non-Christian”. The people referred to as “Paganus” may have thought of themselves as “pagani” in relation to where they lived (if they lived in a pagus), but they wouldn’t have applied the term to their religious practices. So the term “pagan” (in a religious context) was originally a label that was applied to a group of people, not from themselves, but from a culture outside of their own. To learn the beliefs of these ancient peoples, one would need to study their individual cultures.

    A person calling themselves “pagan” is a relatively new practice which may at best be traced back to the Modern Pagan movement of the Romantic period. I usually use the word “neo-pagan” (neo- means new) to indicate the difference between modern polytheists (like me) and the historical pagans who practiced their indigenous way of life. Many neo-pagans (but not all) practice a polytheistic religion and honor pre-Christian deities. There are many different beliefs and practices that fall under the umbrella term neo-pagan and it is difficult to accurately describe traits that they all have in common. It would be similar to try to describe all monotheists—the beliefs and practices are just too diverse. Some of the well-known neo-pagan religions include Traditional Wicca, Neo-Wicca, Druidism, Asatru, Kemeticism, Hellenismos, Celtic Reconstructionism, Religion Romana, Stregheria, Shamanism, etc. Each of these religions have differrent histories, beliefs, and practices.

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