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Question by Rusher: I would like to have a sexual question answered?
If me and my girlfriend do sexual things with eachother for the first time
could we get a desiese? Or however ya spell it
and also if I have a sexual relationship with her then breakup and have another sexual relationship a year later could I get a desiese?

Best answer:

Answer by Andro
It’s possible but lesbians are the group that is least likely to get an STD though it CAN happen, the possibility is just not as high. You can always use protection like gloves or something.

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2 Responses to I would like to have a sexual question answered?

  • iHeartYou says:

    The only way you guys can get a disease is if one of you has gotten it from a previous hook-up before. Sexual diseases don’t just get created from two clean people, it has to be contracted. Make sure you and whoever you are going to have relations with get tested to ensure there is nothing. There are plenty of STD clinics out there.

  • Sam says:


    And yes its possible. Some diseases can be transmitted sexually or transmitted through other ways like through needles for instance. So if whoever you’re with has shared needles with an infected person, she could get a STD as well, even though she hasn’t had sex yet. I would say that you and whoever you’re with should both go and get tested before having sex just to make sure. HIV is a disease I’m sure you’ve heard of and there is a low chance of it being transmitted through lesbian sex but it has happened. With other diseases like herpes, for instance, you have just as great a chance of contracting as anyone, straight or not, male or female. So some might tell you that lesbian sex is less risky, but that isn’t really true. Only in the case of HIV.

    The chances that whoever you’re with has an STD basically increases with the number of partners she’s had since she would have more opportunities to get infected because she has been with more people. Again, you should always get an std test with your girlfriend of the moment before you two have sex.

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