Iced Earth playing the song The Coming Curse in Athens, Greece.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
You can download the song here : escaflowne soundtracks
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Iced Earth playing the song The Coming Curse in Athens, Greece.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
You can download the song here : escaflowne soundtracks
Video Rating: 4 / 5
2:49 wyf, the hills are alive with the sound of music?
@chainaxe8 You fucking knew it.
You are correct!!
6 people who watched this video are dragon slayers.
They are also dead now.
Kinda OWNS the Star Wars battle themes hard
ones the bar hits 0:01 you are gonaa hear some serios crap >:D
@Czaendermajer or 6 now xD
After finding this song again (I had forgotten it completely) and listening to it a couple of times, I simply had to start rewatching the anime, and I’m not regreting it at all. Awesome series, and really nice music of course
this was suuuuuuuuuuccchchhchchchch a gooooodddd anime i loved it the story was awesome, and awesome couple!!! :))))
Love the ending…
if iam in some war and the start of this song would be playing i proboly chance into a supersaiyan xD
@chainaxe8 xD
If I were in a sword fight I would so want this to be playing in the background!
I liked the part where they said Escaflowne
I miss when anime was this good…of course anything that Yoko Kanno composes is brilliant as well
Every time I listen to this I get a tingly sensation from the back of my head down my spine, what ever happened to intense music like this?
it is so epic!!!! =D
@bebopag812 type in Fabolous – Body bag you’ll find it!
@sn4kech4rmer It was an incredible show but they rushed the ending, i wish they would’ve put more time and story into that show!
@bebopag812 idk this one but Snowgoons sampled too watch?v=SwnIVX3i68Q
@fuscian it wont let post the full link but just search Fabolous Body Bags. its the 3rd hit, the instrumental.
@bebopag812 try
@fuscian Where would I find this hiphop beat? I’m curious to know what a sample of this epicness sounds like LOL
If I were ever in an epic battle, I would want this music playing in the background. People would be like, “Escaflowne, what the crap?”
And I’d cut off their head while they were contemplating why there was background music… EPIC background music!
well. the girl (Hitomi? dun remember) looks sorta out of place on the pic.. but reeeally nice music though, amazing