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Question by Jung Prada G: If quantum mechanics is the ultimate reduction of empirical nature (down to the Planck scale), is Buddhism…?
If quantum mechanics is the ultimate reduction of empirical ‘physical’ nature (down to the Planck scale), is Buddhism the ultimate reduction of subjective ‘metaphysical’ reality
well…i guess reducing reality without technology…just relying on good ole human intuition..

…technology allows us to point lasers, magnify sub atomic interactions, et cetera…

…but what i’m asking is whether buddhism boils down as much as humanly possible (without the aid of scientific technology)

Best answer:

Answer by lifeprocessincarnate
What do you mean “ultimate reduction of subjective ‘metaphysical’ reality?” Like, down to the subject? Down to consciousness? Down to suffering? I’m not sure Buddhism is too interested in reductionism anyway…

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3 Responses to If quantum mechanics is the ultimate reduction of empirical nature (down to the Planck scale), is Buddhism…?

  • mickael says:

    buddhism, or at least zen, is no quantum physics. it’s no tricky theories used by few people in the world. it merely is water one takes when thirsty or food taken when hungry.

    say, if you know exact spin configuration of every electron in your breakfast, would it help you to benefit from the breakfast in any way?

    zen might have theories, yet first it merely is training. so far i have neither seen nor heard of a human who comprehended any zen theories before thorough training. your question is about electron spins in your breakfast. just eat! then, perhaps, this matter can be discussed further, yet not while you’re hungry i fear. 🙂

    good luck.

  • kaileym says:

    disclaimer: me no talk pretty and I’m not sure that I”m intelligent in these areas to even say anything but,……..
    The Dalai Lama as well as Mingyur Rinpoche speak of neuroscience and physics in their books. There is also a convention of top neuroscientists in D.C. every year in which many Buddhists attend as a large subject they touch on is the link between scientific findings that correlate w/the Buddha’s teachings. In my very humble opinion I believe the answer to your question is yes. I saw the Dalai Lama speak in NYC last spring and he spoke of Buddhism being beginningless and endless. He spoke of this very matter. Here’s a link the the mind life org as well as info on HHDL and this matter:

  • Hank J says:

    philosophy is a department of logic
    In other words, the propositions of philosophy are not factual, but linguistic in character — that is, they do not describe the behaviour of physical, or even mental, objects; they express definitions, or the formal consequences of definitions. Accordingly we may say that philosophy is a department of logic. For we will see that the characteristic mark of a purely logical enquiry, is that it is concerned with the formal consequences of our definitions and not with questions of empirical fact.
    Alfred JulesAyer

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