Question by Miror§aw: If there was some way to quickly and easily change your gender?
If there was some way to quickly and easily change your gender (say it happens overnight while you sleep by some mysterious or magical process), would you do it? [This is not talking about sex-change operations.]
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i totally would….but temporarily
i wanna play with a tallywhacker that’s mine lol…and then get back my old parts
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
lmao no way, though i would give a million dollars to see the hubby wake up to that little surprise….
I wouldn’t do it.I like my junk too much.
and so do you
I’m so clumsy I’d be afraid of losing my memorabilia…I’ll keep my tatas pervert
Nah……i already got moobs.
Physical gender? Hell yeah!
There’s nothing interesting in being a guy, I don’t consider my pyscological gender to be male anyway, so yeah, that would be great.
Sex change operations are too much money and hassle for me, so a simple way would be nice. Try asking this in LGBT section, it’s a transgender’s dream.