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Question by the dude: if you love each other what is wrong with sex?
i know the bible says not to but what is the exact difference between sex in marriage or premarital sex. is there something magical about the paper the state gives you or is another load of bs if your commited to your partner what is the real difference
disneyland fan is definetly lying

Best answer:

Answer by icarus62
Beats me.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

26 Responses to if you love each other what is wrong with sex?

  • Think4Yourself says:

    What is wrong with sex? (period)

    None of us would be here without it. It’s an expression of love.

  • Shawn B says:

    Take matters into your own hand.

  • dizneyland fan says:

    After marriage there is a commitment between the couple. It isn’t just a “piece of paper.”

    I think it’s morally wrong to have sex outside of marriage. I was a virgin when I got married!

  • ????su?s says:

    God doesn’t like watching out naughty bits touching unless we are married and have to pay for it for the rest of our lives.

  • Misty M says:

    Because sex outside of marriage and everyone sleeping with everyone else creates STD’s and unplanned pregnancies. The commitment in a casual relationship is not the same as if you are married and living for Jesus.

  • Perhaps I love you more says:

    Marriage is a lot more than just a piece of paper, it is a promise between the two who are taking and making the vows and God himself. That is the difference? God made man and woman to love themselves and respect
    themselves first, and to have sex outside of marriage is disrespectful to that which is most sacred. Sex is to be used for one purpose only and that is to procreate and it is not Godly to want to just do it for pleasure.
    Take care and take to heart what you please.

  • bryanccfshr says:

    Nothing is wrong with sex between consenting adults as long as no one gets hurt.

  • krazykasse says:

    The Bible, “God”s word, says No,……….no it*God Bless*

  • afterbirth07 says:

    Quote: “Sex is to be used for one purpose only and that is to procreate and it is not Godly to want to just do it for pleasure.”

    Well if sex wasn’t meant to be pleasurable, then why was an orgasm part of intelligent design?

    ETA: *sigh* not every girl bleeds following the first time she has sex… It is just me, or does everyone have their facts messed up about sex when religion gets involved.

  • Bobby Cow says:

    When you get married you become one and sex is a physical and spiritual act of oneness.

  • set apart says:

    Sex was given as a gift between a husband and a wife (life-long). It is a symbol of a covenant. In the OT covenants were sealed w/ blood. When a girl has sex for the first time, she bleeds… symbolizing the sealing of a covenant that is not meant to be broken. It only happens once. It is a gift a husband gives to his wife, and a gift a wife gives to her husband. Do you want to go to your honeymoon empty-handed?

  • woodsonhannon53 says:

    nothing.its an outdated idea to be married rather know my partner first than marry them and find out there wrong for me

  • monte54que says:

    The papers are meaningless. Did Adam and Eve have papers? There is nothing wrong with sex if the love is there, but we all would admit there is no need for sex in heaven.Having said that,it must mean we spiritually progress to a point where we don’t need the pleasures of the flesh. That should be our goal.

  • minnetta c says:

    Sex Is Sacred To God and HE expects It to be the Same with Humans! Before Marriage, He says It Is Adultry! AFTER MARRIAGE, He says: it is Beautiful …. and Bonding, and Sacred, Between Husband And WIFE…….! (smile)

  • luvdalz68 says:

    Premarital sex is fornication; you are taking something from someone that doesn’t belong to you. Marriage is the true test of whether you are prepared to love someone for the rest of their life; it requires sacrifice on your part. If you just “shack up” with someone, what are you sacrificing? You can leave as soon as the relationship gets “boring” or some other problem comes up, leaving your spouse to raise the children that you created. If you really “loved” a person, then you would marry them.
    “For this reason, a man will leave his mother and father, and cleave to his wife, and they shall become ONE FLESH.” Two people living together are not “one flesh”. They have not made any commitments to each other or to God. They are simply stealing sex from each other, and the person who suffers is that man or woman’s future spouse. They get the baggage that you created.

  • ??o?s says:

    In biblical times, there was no way to detect an early pregnancy or conclusively determine the paternity of a child, and so men had make sure that their wives were a virgins lest they be cuckold into raising another man’s offspring. Fathers kept their daughters chaste so that they could collect high dowries from potential suitors, and the punishments for adultery were very harsh. These customs were codified into the Jewish laws which we have today as the Bible.

  • THA says:

    —“if you love each other what is wrong with”—–marriage?

    –AFTER ALL how much desert can you have without getting sick, IF SEX WAS the most important thing in a relationship(not that it is not important) , we should be doing it all day long, rather than talking, planning, strenthening our bond of committment (what bond do you have with free sex?)
    –AS THE SAYING goes there is always someone who can “do it better”( like dogs that find another dog in heat–should we resemble that relationship)
    –MOST IMPORTANTLY & SIMPLY STATED , Jesus validated the privilege of sex in marriage, by quoting God’s words at Genesis, and showing its boundaries:

    (Matthew 19:4-6) “. . .“Did YOU not read that he who created them from [the] beginning made them male and female 5 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? 6 So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart……9 I say to YOU that whoever divorces his wife, except on the ground of **FORNICATION (my caps), and marries another commits adultery.”..
    **(FORNICATION–involves sex without marriage, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, mutual masturbation , bestiality)
    –SUCH WORDING carries serious conotation that should not be taken lightly!
    –THERE is simply no incident or place in the Bible , where sex is shown to have God’s approval , other than in marriage!
    —-THE PRIMARY importance is that marriage is an arrangement of God’s:

    (Genesis 2:22-24) “. . .And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man. 23 Then the man said: “This is at last bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman, Because from man this one was taken.” 24 That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.”

    –The paper as you stated is a government arrangement that has the safety(blood tests for the mates–to detect any diseases to be passed on to children or each other) of people in mind who enter in an intimate relationship & is indeed encouraged in the Bible , as Jesus stated:
    “Pay therefore Caesars things to Caesar And God’s things to God”

    *** it-2 p. 340 Marriage **
    –The union of a man and a woman as husband and wife according to the standard set out by God. Marriage is a divine institution, authorized and established by Jehovah in Eden. Marriage brings into being the family unit, the family circle. Its basic purpose was the reproducing of the members of the human family, to bring into existence more creatures of the human kind. Jehovah the Creator made male and female and ordained marriage as the proper arrangement for the multiplication of the human race. (Ge 1:27, 28) The first human wedding was performed by Jehovah, as described at Genesis 2:22-24.
    –Marriage was designed to form a permanent bond of union between man and woman, that they might be mutually helpful to each other. Living together in love and confidence, they could enjoy great happiness. Jehovah created woman as a mate for man by using the man’s rib as a base, thereby making woman man’s closest fleshly relative on earth, his own flesh. (Ge 2:21) As Jesus pointed out, it was not Adam but God who said, “That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.” The wording of this text makes it evident that monogamy was the original standard for marriage in the eyes of Jehovah God.—Mt 19:4-6; Ge 2:24.

  • Ladyeagle7 says:

    Your initial Q, answer would be nothing, it is beautiful and God given!
    Your next statement is it can be good outside marriage, but that is sin, whether we like it or not.
    And the piece of paper, as you so coldly put it is way more than that, so obviously you’ve never been there, otherwise you would know the reality of the depth and difference!

  • lufiabuu says:

    I see the whole marriage thing as more of an insurance. I believe it was created so you wouldn’t have sex, then the female has a child, and then the father leaves. This would probably make it hard on both the child and the mother.

  • robert p says:

    People get hurt when they are cheated on
    Kids may not know who their father is.
    Single parent homes living (many times) on one minimum wage income.Have to live in slum areas.Kids have little chance of going to college and a good chance they will continue the cycle.(People today that grow up as a “have” think their being born with everything was somehow by their abilities and talent).
    Only one man and one women having “normal” sex can procreate.
    HIV and other diseases
    PC telling people they can’t appose sexual sin (not freedom of speech).

    God designed men and women and they have the “tools” that only fit right when it is a man and woman.A nation that has marriages (only between a man and woman are more stable).
    When a man and woman are married and faithful to each other for 50 or 60 years have no need to worry about disease.Their children know who their parents are.They have a better chance at a stable home and a better chance of working together to own a home (if their not born rich).

  • Randy G says:

    Well, if you really are that much in love with each other, then you have to ask yourself what is causing you two to put off the marriage? If marriage is really “just a piece of paper”, then what is stopping you from getting this little piece of paper? You can go down to the Justice of the Peace and get your marriage license right now; you can always have the formal ceremony later for your friends and family if it is so expensive that you cannot afford it now.

    The real reason for putting off marriage, be honest, is that marriage is a legally binding contract that is difficult and expensive to get out of. People put off marriage because deep down inside they know that they really aren’t that much in love, and they really aren’t all that committed yet. Whatever excuse that you are using to put off the marriage is the same excuse that you can use to put off the sex until later.

    If it makes you feel any better, keep in mind that in Biblical times, people were often legally committed (betrothed) to each other long before they were married, or allowed to have sex. Now days, people have sex the very night after they are committed (married), instead of waiting months to consummate the commitment, so modern people already have it better than your Biblical counterparts (and you get to choose your own spouse, rather than having your parents do it). You already have it better than they did.

  • Jeremy R says:

    premarital sex is considered – fornication. Which is considered a sin in God’s eyes!

    Why? because we are to save that which is sacred for marriage, sex is a privilege to our God given bodies, and should not be taken for granted, but used to Glorify God’s Will for our lives. We should not squander our bodies.

    Jesus said, ‘He who lives by the flesh shall die by the flesh.’
    And – ‘He who dies to the Spirit, shall Live by the Spirit.’

    Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined with his wife, and they shall become One flesh.’

    ‘Let that which God hath joined together let not man put asunder.’

    God bless!

  • Steve Amato says:

    Marriage is more than a piece of paper.

    Heb 13:4 “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”

  • trebor namyl hcaeb says:

    If you have any respect for the Word of God, *everything* is wrong with it! Besides being the most precious gift you can give your new spouse, your virginity is also a gift you can only give once! That’s a gift my wife of almost 43 years gave me on our wedding night! She was almost 22 when we were married.

    Any number of things can happen if you have sex outside of marriage, not the least of which, these days, is an STD! If you disobey God’s law, not only are you disrespecting God – you are also disrespecting your current sexual partner and your future spouse! Even if that sexual partner becomes your spouse, what’s so special about your wedding night or your honeymoon? Engaged couples have sometime lost their intended before the wedding; then what happens if the woman got pregnant? Abortion may be an “easy” solution; but it’s not a moral one!

    As someone else has said already, perhaps you should “take matters into your own hand” instead of engaging in fornication. And if you do not personally know “disneyland fan’, who said she was a virgin when she got married, you shouldn’t be “dissing” her – come to think of it, you shouldn’t be doing it even if you *do* know her!

    If this matter weren’t so important to God, why do you think there are such strong teachings about it in the Bible?

  • blondiebaptist says:

    Sex outside the bonds of marriage is an abomination, its fornication and a sin. Surely you know this if you’ve read the Bible. The Bible says that you are to not defile the marriage bed. I think you just want to defy God and have sex and have no commitment to your g/f. The Bible is clear, you just don’t like what God says. The “magical” part is that God is in a marriage and the difference is this: sex in marriage is holy and wonderful, sex outside marriage is SIN.

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