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Question by JamesLee: If you’re a Christian?
…then why do you celebrate pagan holidays?

The modern celebrations of Christmas (the northern European tradition that replaced older pagan Yule holidays), Easter (the eastern European tradition with incorporated spring fertility rites), and Halloween are all examples of Christian/pagan syncretism, as some symbols and traditions are re-incorporated into a Christian context. The elevation of Christmas as an important holiday, for example, grew out of the Church’s need to replace the Saturnalia, a popular December festival of the Roman Empire, and naming a day in honor of Christ’s birth.
“Because we’re all alike” – I think the point of this question missed you by a light year or three.

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4 Responses to If you’re a Christian?

  • you are my strong tower says:

    i actually did a small study session on this. Most of those holidays have been incorporated from Pagan holidays. Valentines day, easter, christmas, halloween. etc. I think many people participate in these because of tradition.

  • Rick says:

    Any reason is good enough to have a party.

  • grumpypepsi says:

    Nice comparison

  • jayknee says:

    Well we consider Christmas to be the birth of Jesus and we believe that the friday before Easter is Good Friday the day Jesus was crucified and Easter is the day he was resurrected.

    As for all the other holiday, I think it is because we have sadly started to become more like everyone that chooses not to share our faith, we are slipping slowly away from God maybe.

    I hope this was of some help to you.

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