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Question by DesiDani: I’ll give you the “Christianity is the worst” cookie; yet do you think that pagan history was its violent
past of suppression, murder, fear of its people, and forced invasion?
That came on last night, I liked the movie video for it
Early Romans were pagans and they were well known for their brutality.
Early Romans were pagans and they were well known for their brutality.
It is said that some romans (pagans) hated christians so much that they used them as “human tourches”
Come on? Have you forgotten that christians were slain by pagans for being christian and refusing to give offerings to pagan gods.
Cupcake? Vikings didn’t care about others because of that fact, everyone else weren’t worthy. Cupcake?….Oh boy?
“Vikings had a reason”, that is BS. Vikings used slaves and sold slaves what was the reason for that. They had no concern with other religions, because they could give damn about other religions. That is why they attacked monestaries, you are damn right to say that they were opportunist. The same as during the Tet Offensive during the vietnam war. Americans assumed that they wouldn’t attack because it was Christmas, they did anyway. They didn’t give a F.


Best answer:

Answer by AM
ALL history is violent. Religion helps little.

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6 Responses to I’ll give you the “Christianity is the worst” cookie; yet do you think that pagan history was its violent

  • CorruptedSpirit, AM Associate says:

    most every religion has some black marks on the past records, but the past is just that, it’s the actions of religion in the present time that is of relevance

  • Tucking Fypos says:

    Most of my knowledge of pagans is biased by the movie Dragnet.

    Great movie by the way.

  • Dillicious says:


    Buddhism is like the only popular religion that doesnt have a bad history.
    I admit I am not sure about Hinduism though

    The only reason Christianity is popular today is because nonChristians were slain in the name of Christ

    The Abrahamic religions gain power by maniuplating the masses and bullying everyone who doesnt think they way they do.

  • Kay says:

    mankind in general is violent.
    however.. Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, ect. were loving and selfless and peaceful
    funny how people can call themselves followers of certain religions when they worship themselves

  • Heathen Princess JPA says:

    Here’s the deal cupcake. I’m Heathen. My ancestors where Northern Eurpean, probably a few were Vikings. Were they blood thirsty and brutal? Hel yes.
    The different between them and Christians is that they were at least honest in thier invading and bloodlust. They did it for land and power and money. They didn’t care about your soul. They didn’t do it in the name of the gods. Or for the glory of the Gods. Or to convert people. They wanted your land, not your soul. Christians were allowed to practice in most of thier conquered land until it became obvious that they were not going to return the favor.

    So do the historical pagans have blood on thier hands? Yes. On thier souls? Not in the least.

    And that is the difference.

    Christians were totally brutal in their conversion of parts of Europe (not all, much of it was peaceful). Read about Olaf and Charlemagne.

    Christians were persecuted because they desecrated temples, not because they wouldn’t give offering to the gods. Christians went after Jewish temples as well. Trust me, NO ONE liked the Christians. Paul was a fanatic who twisted Jesus’s words forming violent gangs through most of Rome pissing EVERYONE off.

  • Noddy T (FRNH) says:

    All human history is violent, full of wars and killing. But European Christianity vs European Paganism is misreported by Christian chroniclers and historians.

    One thing must be remembered about the Norse attacks on English monasteries, that is it was “easy money”. At the time Denmark was being invaded from the south by the Holy Roman Empire (Christians) and they were killing everyone in sight. The Danes (and other Scandinavian) rulers needed cash to fund armies for defence; weapons need to be bought and warriors need paying, so they sent raiding parties across the sea to bring back both treasure from new lands and tribute from trading partners such as the Sami and the Fins (ref. to Egil’s Saga for records of such tribute collection).

    When the “Vikings”, the raiding parties, found undefended monasteries filled with the tithes and religious taxes demanded by the Abbots they naturally killed the unarmed monks, ripped the gold covers of the books (Bibles but to a Heathen Viking a book is a book and one covered in gold is just ready cash) and took them home to pay for the defence against the murdering Christian invaders.

    So we see the Holy Roman Empire was killing in the name of God to remove the “heathens and pagans” from the Earth whilst the Heathens we stealing “cash” to stay alive. Bit of a difference.

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