Illusive Control
Give it a rest. Stop being so concerned about results, let it be what it will be. {You have no choice. YOU are not personally responsible for the events that unfold. Can you predict or delay death? Can you eliminate terminal illness? Will you prevent financial collapse? Do you have the power to MAKE someone you love stay with you if he/she doesn’t want to? Can you prevent others from misunderstanding you or resenting what you do? Can you make something occur before it is time? Can you turn water into wine?
Now is the time to release the thought of ‘supposed’ control in any avenue of your life. You are losing your vital sexuality and attractiveness in the midst of your holding on. You are not now nor have you ever been in control of any aspect of your life. ‘It’ is just an illusion you have clung to in order to survive. But, now the continued existence in your personal space requires you to submit to something much higher than yourself and your contrived methods. Admit it: what you are currently doing is not filling the tub, anymore. {Or, it so exaggerated, the overflowing water {emotions} is running all over the bathroom floor.} Stop the crazy shenanigans! You are frantic with undue worry, concern and tension headaches. Nothing you are doing or saying is giving you any authentic resolution to the unrest you are presently experiencing. Accept the fact that you don’t have a clue as to handle the ‘mess’ you currently walking through.
That’s not the real issue, however. The genuine unrest and irritability you are showing in you demeanor, is arising from an inability to express your innermost talent. How long has it been since you drank a PEPSI with a bag of peanuts dropped in it? {Or, savored a