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Moon Pie with an ice cold (slivers, inside) RC Cola?} Instead of getting back to your basic roots, you have gravitated so far away from your core, it’s not even funny a little bit. What you really want is simple. You desire to be unhindered, unburdened and unhampered. But, do you know how to go about simplifying your life? You begin by ceasing all fake activity. Be real or don’t squeal. {That means stop complaining if you’re unwilling to quit playing the mind games.} “What? You didn’t think you were faking?” Come on, now. You KNOW what you’re doing. Don’t play dumb at this juncture.

Faking would include: pretending to be interested and concerned when you’re not, smiling when you can’t hardly tolerate the person or conversation, performing duties and or functions which you have no interest in the least but because it benefits you in some other tangible way, you continue to do it. As long as you continue on the same path that you are currently traveling, you will arrive at the same place of conflict. As long as you remain fixed on the erroneous idea that you can determine the outcome of any matter in your life by striving to bend the road, you will be filled to the brim with unending anxiety.

It’s a matter of your stopping all ‘judgmentalness and opinionatedness.’ It’s a matter of your declaring to yourself that you are wrong in your utilitarian approach. Making so many distinctions cause you unnecessary ambivalent turmoil. Give it up, let that which is trying to make itself evident in your life arise. How much more apparent do the signs and symbols have to be? Find the Red object this instant. What is it? Where is it? What does it have to do with you? When you leave your house, discover

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