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Question by Chaz: In A “12 Step” Program? Please Read On…?
I’m a recovering alcoholic myself (5 years this July…).

I was looking online for books, audio CD’s, downloads, etc. Anything about furthering my recovery outside of AA. I go to meetings, but was just wondering what else there is to life after recovery without talking about AA all the time.

I found mostly blog posts (many just regurgitating each other), anti-AA groups and centers (one even says you can keep drinking!!!??!!!), and a couple overpriced books on Amazon from doctors who’ve never been addicted to anything.

So, over the last 6 months, I’ve gone away from the AA literature and read a lot about, and visited lectures on, the spiritual, metaphysical, self-healing arts.

Quite enlightening! And such a “positive” force!!

Paired with AA, these have put so much “into place” in my life, and given me much more hope for me & my family’s future.

Do you know of any books on such topics from the recovering alcoholic or addict’s point of view?

Alternate/Piggyback question: Would YOU (like me) buy it if it existed?

Best answer:

Answer by old cat lady
Congratulations on your freedom from alcohol! Alcohol abuse was always “the elephant in the living room” of my home. It is wonderful that you are now able to spare your family the damage that is done to all who share their lives with the addicted.

Reiki has come into my life in the last year (I’m 77) and it might be something for you to look into. I use a number of CD’s from the International House of Reiki when I do my daily work. Bronwen Steine has a CD “Reiki Mediations for Self-Healing” that is available through Amazon. You do not have to have taken a class with the “attunements” to use it.

I personally don’t feel it is helpful to over intellectualize the spiritual aspects of life. Meditation, self-healing, recitation of daily precepts, etc. is the work you must do to grow. IMO reading a book is not the right path.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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