Question by QUANACATAUG: In regards to the metaphysical qualities of these stones……?
What’s the deal with these boji stones I’ve been hearing about? Is there anyone out there who personally has them and if so, are you getting anything out of them? What properties are they suppose to have? Where can I find them?
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Answer by Allah
b s
What do you think? Answer below!
If you have to use the word metaphysical, it’s BS.
My personal opinion is that any stone that is a “registered trademark” is bunk, and these are just another New Age scam. I personally prefer to work with other stones—whoever heard of a registered trademark of Amethyst?
That being said, here is some information from a non-biased source:
Source: Boji Valley, CO. (The Boji stone is a registered trademark brought to the light by a trance-channeler from Colorado). Smooth stones are known as “female” stones; those with protrusions are known as “male.” Stones are usually worked with in male/female pairs.
The Boji stones used together align all of the subtle bodies and both balances and aligns the chakras However, if working on the base chakra only, use only one of the stones.
These stones are excellent grounding stones.
Healing Properties:
* The stones are used for general healing and in tissue regeneration.
* Boji stones are used like quartz crystals in healing…when placed on an area of pain; they will soothe and comfort that area.
Astrological associations: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
Vibrate to the numbers 1 and 9.
Note: There are similar stones known as “shaman” or “mochi marbles”