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Question by Jasmine K: In the study of metaphysical…..?
I have recently started my study of metaphysical subjects and I was wondering if any one had any suggestions for a really good book or other resource on palm reading?

Best answer:

Answer by WELL WORTH
here’s some advice –

god isn’t real.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

6 Responses to In the study of metaphysical…..?

  • Gargantua n says:

    It’s bullshit.

  • e x a m says:

    Lec 1 | 8.01 Physics I: Classical Mechanics, Fall 1999 MIT

  • Jesus Hates You says:

    It really doesn’t matter too much. Most of those books are totally bogus. But if you really want to gain a better understanding of quantum physics, Einstein’s the way to go.

  • Archshadow3 says:

    Please, do not bother with such nonsense. Not only is it irrational, but it is a complete waste of your time.

    Also, do confuse the metaphysical studies with new age spirituality. If you truly want to learn about metaphysics, not palm reading and nonsense like that, then you may want to start with Descartes’ Meditations and then Spinoza’s Ethics. I’m saying that are completely true, but the are examples of true metaphysical thinking.

    I hope this helps you.

  • Little Red Ridding Hood says:

    Love to =>} This Present Darkness. By Peretti Available on

  • breyet_leyet says:

    palm reading is hard to learn, everyone writes a different interpretation on the subject. You can learn the basics which are standard anywhere.
    Start online search first, learn mounts, lines and symbols on lines.

    When a new client first sits down with me for a palm reading, he or she will often thrust a palm in my face and quip, “So, what do you see?” The act of reading a palm is much more than looking at a person’s hand. It is an art.
    Palm reading is actually an ancient art, and modern palm reading methods incorporate thousands of years of accumulated knowledge. The history of Rom or Gypsy palm reading goes back to the Middle Ages. Even older is the study of Ayurveda (a Sanskrit term meaning “science of life”), which has used the physical character of the fingernail for medical information for over 5,000 years.

    There are numerous good books on palm reading, but even if you read all the books ever written on the subject they could not interpret every hand. You could not turn to chapter 6 and find your client’s hand. Why? Because each hand is a unique combination of strengths, weaknesses, talents and emotions, all influenced by the individual’s own desires and personal history. Each reading is a unique experience. That’s one of the reasons I love this job — it’s never the same thing twice.

    The art of palm reading means more than just looking at the lines in the palm! The fingers, the pads, the color, texture size and shape of each hand have meaning. Each finger has different characteristics. Jupiter (the index finger) represents the leadership qualities of a person. The longer the finger is in relation to the other fingers shows whether a person relates to others in a controlling or controlled way. For example, a very long, pointed Jupiter indicates a politician or religious leader. But which one of these is indicated (a politician or a religious leader) we can only learn from the other features of the hand.

    The length, thickness, and direction of lean of each finger have a meaning. For instance, if Jupiter leans toward Saturn (the middle finger) that person may be more concerned with society, therefore, perhaps politics or social services. If Jupiter is very straight or leans away from the other fingers, this person may be more independent or tend to spend a great deal of time alone.

    Each joint of the finger has a different meaning. The first joint (closest to the palm) has material or physical properties. The second joint tells of scientific or practical interests. The third is the intuitive or spiritual indicator. The length and thickness of the joints have different importance on each finger because each finger tells a different story. There are also some traditional signs concerning the joints. For example, a long, thick first joint on Jupiter indicates someone who either loves to cook or is a gourmet!

    There is a wealth of information about personality in just the fingernails. An oval- or almond-shaped nail holds psychic or intuitive properties for the finger it is found on. A square nail shows responsibility, practicality and well-organized qualities. However, a short, rectangular nail, especially on the thumb, can be an indicator of short temper or even cruelty.

    The physical characteristics of a hand have hundreds of interpretations. None can be read alone, for each is governed by its fellows. For instance, an island (an oval-shaped area where the line seems to split then come together again) at the beginning of the life line (the line starting between the thumb and index finger and running down the palm to the wrist) can indicate a time of loneliness, unhappiness, illness, feeling unloved, confusion, living in many different places or being on the move. It can also mean the client has suffered from respiratory illness or been susceptible to such from their youth. The correct meaning influences what other signs on the line mean.

    A good palm reader must read the entire hand as it works together. This requires several important factors. The lighting must be bright enough and in the right direction to show all the features. Both reader and client must be physically comfortable. Any cramps or itches will block or distract the psychic flow of information between the two people. This psychic flow is an important part of the art. Listening to the inner voices and spiritual leadership guides the reader to the correct interpretation of the information before him or her.

    The most important factor to a successful palm reading is trust. I have had several clients tell me they are afraid of what I will tell them because the last person who read their hands had nothing but bad things to say. It is my belief that it is part of the art to balance the positive with the negative things I see in each person.

    The primary reason people come to me is for some kind of help or guidance. If I am not able to give a client hope, encouragement, or some sense of direction, I don’t feel

    the above is from the first source, I do not read palms professionally, myself

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