In whom is spiritual emotion (bhaav) awakened
Though some can readily understand this at an intellectual level, it is quite difficult to actually experience it. More importantly it is very difficult for most to be able to live as per this understanding from moment to moment in their day-to-day life.
Why it is difficult to experience
One of the important reasons for the inability of most people to experience spiritual emotion is the lower spiritual level of the average person. Please note that by ‘average person’ we mean a person who is average spiritually. In his worldly life this person could be a billionaire, a head of state or a celebrity from show business. The mode spiritual level of people across the world in the present times is 20% while that of a Saint who has attained the Final Liberation (Moksha) is 100%. For spiritual practice to occur smoothly only because of spiritual emotion, the spiritual level of the seeker has to be at least 50%. Similarly, to awaken spiritual emotion through spiritual practice, the minimal spiritual level required is 50%. To attain this level, one needs to repeat (chant) the name of God, remain in holy company (satsang) and offer one’s services for the spread of Spirituality (satseva) constantly. Even after awakening of spiritual emotion, to maintain it one needs to keep doing one’s spiritual practice.
How to gauge if we have spiritual emotion
An important point to note here for the serious seeker of God is to be wary of the mere external
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