manifestations of spiritual emotion. It is important to gauge our spiritual emotion with the yardstick of being able to live it in our day-to-day life. For example, one may experience spiritual emotion in the form of cool tears when visiting a place of worship, when remembering one’s spiritual master (Guru) or when going through a spiritual experience. However the real test of one’s spiritual emotion would be to be able to actually see God’s hand supporting us even when we are going through adversity in our life. In that case after we have made all the efforts possible, we would be able to actively surrender the situation at God’s feet. Another check is to look out for our attitude and behavior with others, especially those who behave negatively with us. If we can be aware of the God-principle in them in our dealings with them, then it is a sure test of our spiritual emotion.
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Sean M. Clarke has been studying and practicing Spirituality with the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) over the past 9 years. An MBA graduate from Monash-Mt Eliza Business School, Australia. Sean gave up his regular career as a Strategy and Business Analyst in the technology sector to help co-ordinate dissemination of SSRF research material as a full-time volunteer.
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