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short clip showing why Indianapolis along with washington will fall. faulty foundation. the justification for our separation, due to our Father’s orders. we can not bow or serve or worship these false deities.

Ever wonder about those claims that there was a match between the Nativity of Jesus and that of Horus pictured at Luxor Temple? Wonder no more – it’s bogus. It’s not an illustration of the birth of Horus but of the Pharaoh Amenhetop III and it definitely is not virginal!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

29 Responses to Indianapolis’s masonic pagan paradise

  • Shazoolo says:

    Great stuff again Albert!

  • MrGriegos says:

    labarum312, great videos as usual!

  • Bingolly1 says:

    2. When the whole picture comes together I believe the Christian answer will far surpass the myth. Your addition to this subject will be received well. GBU

  • Bingolly1 says:

    1. Once the Luxor narrative of the birth of pharaoh was seen in Zeitgeist it became important for someone to handle this subject. As you are aware probably millions of Christians have seen this now. I believe you offer enough evidence in one video to give Christians a good handle on the subject. Still there remains much to be said. I eagerly wait for the other installments of your book. Excellent work from what I have read thus far.

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