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short clip showing why Indianapolis along with washington will fall. faulty foundation. the justification for our separation, due to our Father’s orders. we can not bow or serve or worship these false deities.

Ever wonder about those claims that there was a match between the Nativity of Jesus and that of Horus pictured at Luxor Temple? Wonder no more – it’s bogus. It’s not an illustration of the birth of Horus but of the Pharaoh Amenhetop III and it definitely is not virginal!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

29 Responses to Indianapolis’s masonic pagan paradise

  • carolyn1091 says:

    @secondexodus GOD bless you

  • secondexodus says:

    @wiremannotfireman heard u the first time…and ya, i know your coward type…going gets rough and you just leave. no…the state is breaking its own laws and the laws of the Creator. No man can choose where he was born, but he can choose to stand for Truth and Justice in the land of his birth, or that man can just ‘leave’. How can I leave when I am claiming this property for the Father and plan on tending to His precious garden once all the clowns are gone. so take your own andvice

  • wiremannotfireman says:

    If you dont like Indy..your free to leave.

  • wiremannotfireman says:

    If any of you dont like Indy you are free to leave.

  • deepestwound says:

    Yes, I think that they should take the 10 commandments off of the obelisk, I don’t think it really belongs there.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    You’re hardly gracious. I daresay that you’re “enduring [my] tirades” because everyone who has previously encountered you has given up trying to get you to understand your own hypocrisies, and you miss the excitement of engagement.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    I’ll have to make sense–eh?
    “Check it out.” “I’m down with….” “dig?”
    I’m the only one using the language correctly, here; your ability to communicate seems to have been rendered so prone to the vernacular, that you possibly don’t recognize proper language. I suspect this has a great deal to do with your pick-and-choose attitude to the scriptural and dogmatic elements of your own faith.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    May you have all of the successes of the Vandals, who, in defeat, eventually retreated to lands carved out for them by more powerful groups, in order to keep them quiet and out of the way. How embarrassing.
    The only thing that reeks around here is your cowardice.

  • protestantsep says:

    @peregrinusnoctis I guess it’s safe to say that the circus is obviously back in town.
    Your a funny clown to say youd respect me more if I’d admit to Vandalism…
    Maybe you don’t get it…I am a Vandal-by bloodlline..a German warrior whose goal is to rid our land of Roman Paganism, polytheism, and rule over us, so I’m proud to be a Vandal, especially in this revived Roman Empire. Call it what you want.
    Also-This ain’t smell-o-vision,
    so if somethings reeking, it’s probably your own upper lip

  • protestantsep says:

    @peregrinusnoctis It’s not about me, it’s about the Word, which I quoted when stating- Render unto her twice as she has renderedd unto you”…which is a little different than the law of the prophets-doing unto others as you would have them do’,
    This does not mean the Bible contradicts itself, but rather points to the obvious fact that for everything there is a season, and in the end, Justice will be justified in rendering the consequences for the rebellion of man, and his rebellion against Yah.

  • protestantsep says:

    @peregrinusnoctis Vioilence? Check it out. I’m down with a battle of wits with anyone, anytime, however, your gonna have to make sense so I can grasp what it is your tryihg to say.
    And so you don’t make any mistake, my life long goal, mission, message is simple, it’s my challenge, my name, to those here below thinking themselves to be equal to God, so make no mistake, my grace is not equal to Yah’s Grace, thus why I made the statement that I obviously am gracious enduring your tirades. dig?

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    If your version of living in a state “grace” manifests itself via acts of violence, property damage, and a tenuous and perverted grasp on one’s own doctrine, then I would have to agree that you–along with the fundamentalist Islam 9/11 plotters–are all, indeed, probably living in states of “grace.”
    So–do you claim entitlement to God’s grace? Discussing doctrinal issues with fundamentalists is great fun; it invariably exposes their reliance on others’ (flawed) interpretations.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    Whoa, there. Of the two of us, you’re the only one of us to have mentioned the Boston Tea Party; you’ve done it twice, now, as though questioning, and then answering yourself. Rather schizophrenic.
    You do as you do out of your own doomed (and potentially damning, I’d wager) vanity, SMS.
    “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.”
    “If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”
    You don’t seem to agree.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    How am I being disrespectful? Pointing out fatal character flaws and hypocrisy hardly qualify as disrespect.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    I already understand. Nowhere in the doctrine of civil disobedience is there acceptance of vandalism.
    You’re simply a petty criminal without the courage of your convictions, in fear of laws which you pretend not to fear, flouting laws only while protected by (relative) anonymity. Were you an honourable and truthful man, you’d at least admit to vandalism, while in pursuit of your agenda. That potentially would be something to your credit. As it stands, you reek of deceit and cowardice.

  • protestantsep says:

    @peregrinusnoctis your still talking disrespectfully aren’t you?
    My grace should be obvious.

  • protestantsep says:

    @peregrinusnoctis you condemn vandalism, yet praise the Boston Tea Party participants…
    And I’m very well aware that these ‘gods’ and ‘goddesses’ of the pagans have no power, cannot see, nor hear, nor speak, nor walk….I understand that, but what you don’t understand is that I do what I do for the purpose of those ignorant masses that embrace these symbols need to know what it’s like to have that which is sacred to them desecrated, you know.
    rendering unto them twice as they have done to us

  • protestantsep says:

    @peregrinusnoctis you need to understand the difference between vandalism, and civil disobedience, and there is nothing cowardice about taking a stand regardless of the cost or consequence.
    and my belief is not based ‘solely upon words written by other humans’ but rather my faith is based upon the Word writtten upon my heart. I hear my Fathers voice/Words for I am from and of the Father, and the fact that you can’t hear that voice should be troubling to you, if only you could hear my warnings.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    Also–so, you’d agree that vandalism exhibits cowardice? Good show. We agree.
    Also–I’m not “guessing”; nor am I relying on superstition, or on belief in anything paranormal or supernatural.
    I should clarify my point–if you believe that one supernatural thing (e.g., God/Yahweh) exists, based solely upon words written by other humans, then it’s a bit fey to deny the existences of other gods–gods whose cults are also based on written word.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    So, just so long as the vandalism and destruction of other folks’ property is all in good fun, and primarily meant to relieve stress, and has the bonus appeal of offending the beliefs of others, it’s all good, then–eh? Interesting argument. You’re just the kind that the KKK recruits.
    The oldest books of the Torah are what–3,500 years old? Logic now requires you explain the previous 14,000,000,000 or so years–without recourse to words only deemed “God-inspired” by themselves.

  • secondexodus says:

    @peregrinusnoctis who says it was to send a message, maybe just a stress reliever!! don’t know though, you’d have to ask those cowards as I am just documenting this conflict in the heartland, as the facts prove who the real perpetrators and cowards are. as far as pan predating Jesus Christ, that has already been clarified for us “In the beginning was The Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” so your guess is already wrong and pan may still frolic but no longer in paradise!

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    2) pointing a? semiautomatic pistol = 2) pointing a? semiautomatic pistol at a statue, and publically posting a photograph of yourself so doing
    Also–my “you nut” comment was unwarranted. Kindly accept my apologies, there.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    How is my tongue forked? Kindly speak clearly.
    You’ve never buried a god, my friend; you’ve perhaps replaced one set of mythologies with another. Burying a god (i.e., consigning superstition to the rubbish heap) requires rational thought and critical thinking. Creating and maintaining belief in a god, on the other hand, requires fear and gullibility.
    These gods have no power over those who don’t imbue them with it; only their believers can do damage to one another.

  • peregrinusnoctis says:

    Your “grace”? How are 1) bashing a carved stone marker with a sledge hammer, 2) pointing a semiautomatic pistol, 3) vandalizing a private organization’s sign, 4) vandalizing a sign on state property, and 5) parading around like an bratty, attention-starved child indicative of grace, or in any way gracious? You’re no gentleman. On the contrary–it’s indicative of society’s willingness to suffer fools gladly, that you’ve not yet been forcibly and permanently institutionalized, you nut.

  • protestantsep says:

    @BrotherWidowsSon I’ve got a better idea…how about we have ourselves a good old fashioned post humus trial of Washington and these other sons of perdition, and present the charges against them, a long list of very serious crimes against man and God, yet no doubt this criminal guilty of genocide is your Most Worshipful Master, so I’m sure you undertand ‘criminals’ Don’t confuse criminals with ‘enemies of this unlawful State’ Also don’t confuse ‘harmed’ with ‘deceased’
    the wages of sin is death

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